
08 Graduates of the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine programme are eligible to sit for the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination in Hong Kong. Those who have passed the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination are qualified for registration as registered Chinese Medicine practitioners with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Upon registration, they can seek employment in Chinese Medicine clinics in both the public and private sector or engage in private practice. They are also qualified to take up research and development positions in Chinese Medicine pharmaceutical trading and manufacturing companies, or biotechnology companies, or to engage in managerial, marketing, sales, insurance or advertising roles in Chinese Medicine-related businesses. Some may opt to pursue postgraduate studies or become academics in tertiary institutions. Yu Choi Fai BChinMed 2019 HKU must be credited for being my best anchor. This is where I am supported and nurtured for knowledge building and development of professional network, as well as being moulded with humbleness and integrity. Career Prospects UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024