01 Cultivating highly-trained nurses with compassionate care skills is the focus of our BNurs curriculum. Students will be receiving a broad spectrum of clinical and simulation training, as well as inter-professional and problem-based learning in a supportive environment. Meanwhile, their global vision will be developed through life enrichment learning programmes beyond Hong Kong. BACHELOR OF NURSING
Programme Aims and Objectives Well-scoped with multidisciplinarity, our credit-based curriculum is designed to introduce the bio-psychosocial aspects of health and nursing care. It strikes a good balance between the broad areas of nursing, biological, behavioural and social sciences, enabling students to obtain knowledge through the study of different disciplines. The desired learning outcomes would be the production of nursing professionals with inquisitive mindsets, strong interpersonal skills, and high awareness of the socio-cultural context in Hong Kong where nursing is practised. Our BNurs programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical environments throughout the study, while comprehensive learning of clinical skills is delivered under the supervision of experienced teaching staff. The process of teaching and learning is directed by nursing academics from a wide range of expertise, with the support of excellent facilities in various departments of the Medical Faculty and clinical settings. The Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) is a five-year full-time programme leading to an honours degree. The objective of our BNurs programme is to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing education, through which, generic nurses are nurtured to become competent practitioners in various healthcare settings. 02 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
Language Courses 3 The 5-year BNurs curriculum requires students to undertake various courses per year so that they can gradually develop their nursing capabilities in different settings. Key areas of the study include Nursing Core Courses, Nursing of Specialised Populations, Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Practice, Foundations in Nursing Research, Nursing Electives, Nursing Practica, Life Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology and Behavioural Sciences. This curriculum is carefully structured to allow maximum longitudinal and lateral correlations between courses. There are a total of 44 courses running throughout five years. Among these courses, 26 of them are Core Courses while 7 are Practicum Courses. The combination of these courses will empower students to become competent practitioners. This programme also includes 1 Life Enrichment Learning Course, 1 Nursing Elective Course, 3 Language Courses and 6 Common Core Courses. Altogether they constitute 303 credits in the entire curriculum. Programme Structure Total 303 Credits 44 Courses Practicum Courses 7 Common Core Courses 6 Life Enrichment Learning Course 1 Nursing Elective Course 1 Core Courses 26 Dr Benney Wong Lecturer, School of Nursing As a competent nurse, to heal up a patient’s wound is not only done by your skillful hands but also by your empathetic heart. 03 BACHELOR OF NURSING
The BNurs programme incorporates various teaching and learning strategies, such as problem-based learning; inter-professional teambased learning; audiovisual education; e-learning; active learning activities; demonstrations; field trips and educational visits to clinical agencies and community settings, not limited to traditional classroom approaches like lectures, seminars and tutorials. Clinical education is achieved through laboratory teaching, innovative simulation activities and clinical practicum. Nursing skills are acquired through demonstrations, simulation, video playback, e-learning and practice. For Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology courses, students gain laboratory experiences relating to demonstrations of specific areas in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology. Modes of Learning 04 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
Mr Since Kong | BNurs 2010 Manager (Nursing), Nursing Service Department, Hospital Authority Head Office Allocation of Credits Field of Study Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Basic / Medical and Surgical Nursing Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology Community and Global Health Nursing Clinical Practicum Specialty Nursing Nursing Elective Management and Informatics English Language Behavioural Sciences Ethics, Law and Professional Issues Clinical Reasoning in Practice Chinese Language Chinese Medicine and Nursing Nursing Research / Statistics Life Enrichment Learning Common Core Curriculum 24 6 - - - - - 6 - - - 6 - - - 24 18 12 - 6 - - - 6 12 - - - - - - 12 - 12 - 18 6 - - - - 9 - - - - 6 - - - 6 18 18 - - - - - - - 6 12 - - - - - 30 12 6 6 - - - 6 - - - - - Total 66 66 51 60 60 HKU Nursing has been nurturing seeds of caring hearts. Not only professional knowledge and skills are imparted, but also positive values and precious networks. All as a whole make them blossom into the flowers of tomorrow. I am very grateful to be one of the seeds grown in this beautiful garden. 05 BACHELOR OF NURSING
YEAR 1 SEP - NOV Credits Credits JUN - AUG JAN - APR DEC MAY Common Core Courses Core University English Getting into Nursing Foundation of Life Sciences Clinical Skills in Practice 12 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 Common Core Courses Practical Chinese for Nursing Students Health Promotion and Education Health Assessment Exam Exam 36 Total 66 Credits YEAR 2 Common Core Courses Academic Communication for Nursing Students Nursing of Adults I Life Sciences I Health Psychology 6 6 9 6 6 6 6 9 6 Common Core Courses Life Sciences II Nursing of Adults II Health Sociology Exam Exam 33 27 30 Total 66 Credits Nursing Practicum I 6 credits YEAR 3 Ethics, Law and Professional Issues Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Clinical Pharmacology Life Sciences III 9 6 6 6 6 Life Enrichment Learning Exam Exam 27 6 Total 51 Credits Nursing Practicum IIb 9 credits Nursing Practicum IIa 9 credits YEAR 4 Nursing of Women and Infants Nursing of Children and Adolescents Research and Scholarship in Nursing Mental Health Nursing 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Essential Statistics Chinese Medicine and Nursing Community and Global Health Nursing Exam Exam 24 18 Total 60 Credits Nursing Practicum IIIb 9 credits Nursing Practicum IIIa 9 credits YEAR 5 Nursing of Older Adults Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care Leadership, Management and Informatics Clinical Reasoning in Practice Nursing Elective 6 6 6 6 6 9 21 Nursing Practicum IVa Nursing Practicum IVb Exam Exam 30 30 Total 60 Credits Total no. of credits: 303 Timetable arrangements may vary from year to year. Curriculum Structure 06 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
1 2 3 4 Life Enrichment Opportunities This programme is designed to nurture nursing leaders with an international outlook. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in life enrichment programmes, including exchange programmes at top universities such as Duke University, University of British Columbia, Fudan University, National University of Singapore, EWHA Womans University, The University of Tokyo, Kaohsiung Medical University, University College Dublin and many more; short-term study programmes; service/humanitarian activities; research attachment and more. Clinical Practicum This programme emphasises clinical practice in all aspects of nursing. Under the instruction and supervision of experienced teachers, students have the opportunity to learn and practise basic to advanced level of complex care in both local communities and comprehensive teaching hospitals, such as Queen Mary Hospital. Clinical practicum is organised in blocks of practice to allow students to consolidate what they have learned from the nursing themes and skills. Clinical placements are arranged in: Community centres Aged care centres Outpatient clinics Specialties in hospitals, including Medical and Surgical Units, Paediatrics Unit, Obstetrics Unit, Accident & Emergency Unit, Operation Theatre, and many more Ms Mandy Tong | BNurs 2003 Senior Nursing Officer/ Patient Relations Officer, The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay/ TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital/ MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre A nurse can touch one’s life. Every real-life story can touch our heart and soul, inspiring me to be a better person living out a richer and more meaningful life. 07 BACHELOR OF NURSING
Professional Recognition and Career Prospects Graduates from the BNurs degree programme will be able to work and perform independently with respect to the assessment and appraisal of the healthcare needs of the community. Those who have satisfactorily completed all programme requirements will be eligible to apply for registration as registered nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Mr Alex Wong | BNurs 2022 Acquiring nursing skills and knowledge is crucial, but it is more important to serve with critical thinking, global vision, and an empathetic heart. 08 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
An elite track is designed for high-calibre candidates who are high achievers and aspire to pursue an advanced and specialised nurse practice or a nursephysician career in the healthcare sector. This track enables highly competent students to accomplish a dynamic and vigorous study plan and to fulfill accredited professional curricula at an accelerated pace. It is the first and only bachelor’s nursing programme in Hong Kong that offers articulation to the HKU Master of Nursing (MNurs) or HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track (BNurs-ALT) 09 BACHELOR OF NURSING ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TRACK (BNURS-ALT)
Two Articulation Pathways BNurs–ALT is the first and only nursing track in Hong Kong that offers two articulation pathways*: * Subject to the fulfilment of MNurs/MBBS programme’s entry requirements. Being BNurs graduates with First-class Honours and having “Chemistry” subject in their HKDSE results are required for choosing the MBBS articulation pathway. Personal Mentors Throughout the Course of Study Students will be mentored individually by a designated instructor from professoriate staff and an experienced nurse leader, who will provide advice and guidance throughout their BNurs– ALT study. Under the mentorship of great minds, students can broaden their horizons and expand their personal networks. Diversified Roadmaps The articulation pathways provided under the BNurs-ALT are subject to one’s interest, career aspiration and academic performance, etc. Scholarships covering the full composition fee of MNurs will be provided to students with exemplary academic performance. Leadership Development Programme Students will acquire unique leadership skills and obtain experiential learning opportunities during their study in nursing. Students shall be admitted to 1-year part-time MNurs study, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT, and shall be able to OBTAIN ONE BACHELOR’S DEGREE AND ONE MASTER’S DEGREE IN NURSING in a duration of 6 years. 1 Articulation to Master of Nursing (MNurs) Prospect: Advanced & Specialised Nurse Students shall be admitted directly to HKU MBBS Year 2 and exempted from the Year 3 Enrichment Year requirements, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT degree with First-class Honours, and shall be able to OBTAIN TWO PROFESSIONAL DEGREES in a duration of 9 years. 2 Articulation to Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Prospect: Nurse-physician 10 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
· Nursing philosophy · Basic medical and surgical nursing skills · Health assessment and health promotion and education · Foundation of life sciences Take life sciences courses Take life sciences courses Take life sciences courses Take MNurs courses Master of Nursing One-Year part-time study Four-Year full-time study Take an MBBS system block · Behavioural sciences · Clinical practicum in community settings including community centres, outpatient clinics, old-aged homes and subacute hospital settings · Interdisciplinary collaboration in a patient care project · Clinical pharmacology · Professional issues, law and ethics · Life enrichment programme · Clinical practicum in hospital settings (from basic to advanced complex care) · Specialised clinical nursing · Community and global health nursing · Chinese medicine · Interprofessional experience and research scholarship · Clinical practicum in hospital settings (from basic to advanced complex care) For Articulation to MNurs Structure of BNurs-ALT at a Glance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 - 5 Year 6 Year 7 - 9 For Articulation to MNurs BNFT Bachelor of Nursing For Articulation to MBBS For Articulation to MBBS Degree Completed Degree Completed Degree Completed Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 11 BACHELOR OF NURSING ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TRACK (BNURS-ALT)
Scholarships Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships in Nursing HKDSE students admitted to BNurs and BNurs-ALT Scholarship for MNurs Articulation Pathway Our scholarship covering a full composition fee of MNurs will be offered to BNurs-ALT graduates with outstanding academic performance. Remark: The scholarship information above pertains to the 2024 admissions, while details for the 2025 admissions are subject to modification. All students admitted to BNurs-ALT will be eligible for both the Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships at least for the 1st year (i.e. HK$63,100) subject to the “Senate maximum” for local UG students. Competent and Transferable Skill Graduates are equipped with practical clinical skills and will be capable of translating evidence-based theories into practice. Global Leadership Graduates are trained to possess global leadership traits, allowing them to work effectively across multidisciplinary teams around the world. Extensive Networks Graduates will stay connected with an extensive professional network via clinical practicum in community centres, clinics and comprehensive teaching hospitals; and via research attachments and personal mentors. Professional Recognition Graduates who have satisfactorily completed all programme requirements will be eligible to apply for registration as registered nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Year # Best 5 based on the new HKU scoring system HK$231,500 Students achieving outstanding academic performance from the 2nd to the 5th year of study are qualified for the Academic Elite Scholarship Total awarded value up to a maximum of 2nd 5th Award of 1st Obtained a HKDSE score (Best 5)# HK$10,000 HK$21,000 HK$42,100 Award of Award of under the Entrance Scholarship under the Entrance Scholarship under the Academic Elite Scholarship (equivalent to the full composition fee of the first year of study) 28 - 30.5 ≥ 31 Future Prospects 12 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024
For more information on admissions Information is accurate at the time of printing. 13