
02 The MBBS curriculum runs for six years, consisting of three core components: the Pre-clinical Curriculum, the Enrichment Year and the Clinical Curriculum. The most updated curriculum, titled “MBBS 140 Curriculum”, adopts the “140+ CORE” as the backbone. All the teaching, learning and assessment activities in both the pre-clinical and clinical years are designed around the 140+ CORE, with “CORE” standing for “Common situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and behaviour that are Essential for competent and ethical professional practices”. The 140+ CORE makes the medical curriculum more focused, integrated, practical and manageable. MBBS I & II - Pre-clinical Curriculum MBBS III - Enrichment Year MBBS IV - VI Global Health / Integrative Medicine / Medical Ethics & Law / Medical Humanities / Precision Medicine / Diagnostic Radiology / Pathology / Microbiology Themed on "Life Course" & "Cancer Medicine" (focused on "Principles of Medicine and Healthcare") General Medicine Clerkship General Surgery Clerkship Multidisciplinary Clerkship Laboratory and Population Sciences: General Clerkship Assistant Internship Clinical Foundation Block MBBS Elective Enhanced Pre-internship (centred on"Readiness for Practice") Medicine Family Medicine and Community Care Orthopaedics & Traumatology Emergency Medicine Surgery Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Psychiatry An Illuminating Six Year Quest AND UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024