
Programme Aims and Objectives Well-scoped with multidisciplinarity, our credit-based curriculum is designed to introduce the bio-psychosocial aspects of health and nursing care. It strikes a good balance between the broad areas of nursing, biological, behavioural and social sciences, enabling students to obtain knowledge through the study of different disciplines. The desired learning outcomes would be the production of nursing professionals with inquisitive mindsets, strong interpersonal skills, and high awareness of the socio-cultural context in Hong Kong where nursing is practised. Our BNurs programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical environments throughout the study, while comprehensive learning of clinical skills is delivered under the supervision of experienced teaching staff. The process of teaching and learning is directed by nursing academics from a wide range of expertise, with the support of excellent facilities in various departments of the Medical Faculty and clinical settings. The Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) is a five-year full-time programme leading to an honours degree. The objective of our BNurs programme is to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing education, through which, generic nurses are nurtured to become competent practitioners in various healthcare settings. 02 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024