
New Learning Approaches Training in Industrial Pharmacy Diversified “fit-for-purpose” teaching pedagogies have been adopted to manifest the specific features of the curriculum, enhanced by the introduction of the Pharmacy Experiential Education Programme (PEEP) and the Enrichment Modules. Besides, as an area of strength in the Medical Faculty, the Problem-based Learning (PBL) approach in teaching is applied to encourage critical thinking and self-directed learning skills, encouraging interdisciplinary inquiry from students and fostering their lifelong learning skills. Through gaining hands-on experience in this subspecialty, students have the opportunity to witness and spot the increasing demand of the local industry for professional pharmacy services. A wide spectrum of topics related to the practicality of industrial pharmacy is taught by the industry’s experts with extensive work experience. Clinical Pharmacy With the support of Queen Mary Hospital, not only do HKU undergraduates enjoy early clinical exposure but also benefit from the interprofessional collaboration of pharmacists and clinicians through on-site education in wards and outpatient clinics. Furthermore, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital also provides an additional training site exclusive to our HKU students. Programme Features 06 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024