
UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | 2024 14 Grooming Future Leaders: Alternative Pathways for the Ultra-talented 1 2 Under the existing MBBS, a study track titled “MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar)” is offered from the academic year 2023/24 onwards for students with outstanding academic achievements and admission interview results. If you are admitted to MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar), you will pursue a Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) in the Enrichment Year in addition to completing the MBBS curriculum, thereby earning two degrees in six years. There is also the flexibility for you to pursue other Enrichment Year options according to your own preferences. In addition, you will enjoy the following exclusive benefits: PhD on scholarships (optional) Potentially join HKUMed as Clinical Assistant Professor HKUMed believes in equity in education and provides necessary support to help individual students develop their learning potential to the fullest. To enable individuals with exceptional talent to progress as far and achieve as much as possible in their medical training, we have opened up the following alternative study pathways. MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) Year 3 4 5 6 MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) MBBS Pre-Clinical Pre-Clinical Clinical Clerkships Clinical Clerkships Enrichment Year Enrichment Year Degree completed Hall residence* (hall fees applied) Elite mentorship GUARANTEED Please see here for MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) FAQ and Entry Requirements Guaranteed elite mentorship from experts of your own choice from within the Faculty or the University Guaranteed hall residence throughout your undergraduate studies at HKU Upon completion of MBBS and MRes[Med] and the one-year internship, guaranteed financial support from HKUMed to pursue a PhD at a renowned university and potentially join HKUMed as a clinical academic upon completion of PhD.