Local • The following Faculty members have been granted a total of HK$52.679M under the Theme-based Research Scheme 2022/23 of the Research Grants Council: – Professor Guan Xin-yuan (Clinical Oncology, SClinMed) and his team Project: Characterization of Tumor Microenvironment in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (HK$9.678M) – Professor Irene Ng Oi-lin (Pathology, SClinMed) and her team Project: Delineating and Translating the Mechanistic Determinants to Improve the Clinical Management of Liver Cancer (HK$43.011M) • Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee (Nursing) received a HK$10M joint donation from Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation to develop and execute a two-year ‘Generations Connect’ Project to enhance the physical, psychosocial and mental well-being of the elderly amid the epidemic by engaging tailored e-platform and nursing students to provide community intervention and behavioural coaching. Major Research Support • Dr Dennis Ip Kai-ming (Public Health) and his team have received a total of HK$26.392M for their project ‘A realtime community surveillance initiative for SARS-CoV-2 infection using lateral flow rapid test in Hong Kong’ from the Health Bureau, HKSAR Government (HK$16.392M) and Fok Ying Tung Foundation (HK$10M). • Professor Lau Yu-lung (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, SClinMed) was granted HK$8.759M for commissioned research projects on Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) under the Health Bureau, HKSAR Government Project: To compare the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the recommended COVID-19 vaccines via intradermal and intramuscular routes in children and adolescents in Hong Kong • Professor Liu Pengtao (Biomedical Sciences) and his team were granted HK$6.659M under Hong Kong Innovation Technology Fund Project: Clinical Translational Study on The Treatment of Malignant Tumors with Novel Tumor Killer Cell CAR-ITNK 24