In all these endeavours, the Faculty’s aim is to enhance connectivity among our people at all levels and respond to them. But we are also acutely aware that terms and conditions for staff could be improved. Many staff juggle multiple roles as teacher, researcher and clinician. I am pleased to report that we are making progress in this regard, too. After articulating concerns and proposing a suite of solutions to the University’s Senior Management Team, we welcomed a visit by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic Development) in April, who hosted a Townhall meeting with clinical professoriate staff. They brought encouraging news, promising that performance in clinical research and service will be given due consideration in personnel assessment by the University Selection and Promotion Committee. The University will also take into account all relevant factors in supporting reappointment applications by Clinical Chair Professors and Clinical Professors to remain on staff up to age 70 and 65, respectively. 9