My team and I are also doing what we can to improve working terms for staff of all levels. First, we have devised clearer career pathways and discipline-specific appointment and promotion criteria for both academic and practice-track colleagues, and we are exploring the feasibility of having Professors of Practice in other health professions including Chinese Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Public Health. Second, we are moving full speed ahead to nurture our in-house talents through the Early Academic Career Development Mentoring Scheme, which is now in its third year, and our clinical fellowship scheme, which has been scaled up so clinicians can gain international experience and acquire new skills. Third, joint appointments across departments and disciplines will be pursued to enrich people’s work and career opportunities. Fourth, we are seeking to improve conditions for technical staff – the Directors of our core facilities, such as the Centre for PanorOmic Sciences and Centre for Comparative Medicine Research, have been invited to nominate suitable technical staff for transfer to substantive terms. And finally, we are exploring ways to do more for research support staff. All of these measures should address some of the pressing concerns for existing staff, but ultimately, we need more people on board to contribute to our exciting work as we move forward. We are reaching out in all directions to achieve that, especially now that pandemic restrictions have been lifted. 12