In fact, our teaching horizons over the past few years have increasingly sought to deepen our students’ engagement with the GBA and the wider world. The pandemic disrupted that, but with restrictions now lifted, we have been able to resume MBBS teaching at the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital. We have also renamed the public health component of the MBBS as Global Health to acknowledge the inclusion of global health issues including those related to the GBA. Hong Kong, though, remains our home base and we continue to adapt our teaching to respond to healthcare developments here. Recently, we took steps to support two major new government initiatives, the Primary Healthcare Blueprint to restructure and elevate the role of primary care in Hong Kong’s health system, and the Hospital Authority’s pilot programme to integrate Chinese and Western medicine, ahead of the opening of Hong Kong’s first Chinese medicine hospital in 2025. To support primary care, we are enhancing our longstanding teaching of general practice and family medicine modules across various undergraduate curricula. To promote integrative medicine, we are developing a new curriculum thread that will integrate Chinese medicine teaching into the MBBS from first year through to the clinical years. 20