These areas are, one, cancer medicine, where we want to heighten research impact in precision medicine, antibody drug conjugates, immune-oncology and liquid biopsy; two, a Centre for Integrative Medicine that will work with the Clinical Trials Centre and various departments to produce innovative research, including a stream relating to Chinese medicine; three, primary care, which I will touch on in a moment; four, neuroscience, which is a fast-developing field of importance; plus two areas that build on our existing strengths. One is regenerative and stem cell medicine, in which two of our InnoHK centres are playing a leading role. The other is One Health, which will build on our global leadership in emerging pathogens to include prediction, animal health and food systems. We have already started to identify and recruit scholars in all these areas, as well as data science which will be a major component in almost all our work going forward. 25