Guangzhou 廣州 Huizhou 惠州 Shenzhen 深圳 Shantou 汕頭 Hong Kong 香港 Hangzhou 杭州 Changsha 長沙 Chengdu 成都 Zhaoqing 肇慶 Beijing 北京 Shanghai 上海 Seeds of Engagement 深耕細作 The Faculty and universities and government bodies in mainland China have been stepping up exchanges and visits to develop and deepen connections, learn about each other’s facilities, and lay the ground for future collaborations in teaching and research. These engagements will benefit scholars, teachers and graduates of HKUMed, by providing new opportunities and horizons, and patients will ultimately gain from the improved sharing and combining of our respective bodies of knowledge and expertise. 醫學院與內地大學以及政府機構近年展開了頻繁的交流及互訪,發展和深 化雙方的聯繫與了解,為未來的教學及研究合作奠下基礎。這些交流增加了新 機遇,開拓了新視野,最終會令醫學院的學者、教師及畢業生深受裨益;而兩地 更緊密分享與整合專業知識與技能,謹以病人福祉為依歸。 16 Feature
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