18 Feature Sichuan 四川 Changsha 長沙 East, Central and West China 華東、華中及華西 2017.08.13-18 A delegation from HKU visited four major cities in East, Central and West China, led by Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of Medicine. They conducted professional sharing with their counterparts from the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou; Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University and Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University in Shanghai; Xiangya Hospital, Central South University in Changsha; and West China Hospital, Sichuan University in Chengdu. 醫學院院長梁卓偉教授率領代表團前往華東、華中及華西四個主要城市,與杭州浙江大學醫 學院附屬第一醫院、上海復旦大學上海醫學院、上海復旦大學附屬中山醫院、長沙中南大學 湘雅醫院及成都四川大學華西醫院進行交流。 2017.08.22 Dr Yin Li, Governor of Sichuan Province, and his team visited HKUMed, where they received a presentation on research projects in the Faculty and visited the Wet Laboratory. A collaboration agreement was signed between the two parties. 四川省人民政府尹力省長率領代表團到訪港大醫學院,了解醫學院研究項目及參觀實驗室; 雙方並舉行合作協議簽署儀式,展開深入交流。 2017.12.14-18 Professor Sun Hong, former President of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, led a delegation to HKUMed and discussed prospects for cooperation with the Dean of Medicine, Professor Gabriel Leung. Professor Sun also attended the Hong Kong Summit of Global Health Leaders organized by HKUMed, as well as the 198th Congregation of HKU and HKUMed and the “130 Years of Medicine in Hong Kong” Homecoming Dinner. 長沙中南大學湘雅醫院前院長孫虹教授率領代表團到訪港大醫學院。兩院院長會面,洽談合 作。其後孫院長出席全球醫療衞生領袖香港峰會(由港大醫學院主辦)、港大及醫學院第198 屆學位頒授典禮及130周年院慶晚宴。 Shenzhen 深圳 2018.11.05 Mr Tao Yongxin, Deputy Secretary of the Pingshan District Party Committee, led a delegation to visit HKUMed. 坪山區區委陶永欣書記率領代表團訪問港大醫學院。 2017.06.14 Ms Wu Yihuan, Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government, led a delegation that visited Queen Mary Hospital and Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital, which are both part of the HKU Health System, and met with HKU representatives. 深圳市人民政府吳以環副市長率領代表團參觀香港大學醫療系統教學醫院—瑪麗醫院及港 怡醫院,並與港大代表舉行會議。
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