21 Medical Faculty News 1 Members of the China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals held meetings at HKUMed in December 2017. 『中國精英教學醫院聯盟」成員於 2017 年 12 月在港大醫學院舉行工作會議。 2 Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of Medicine, presented a souvenir to Professor Sun Hong, former President of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. 港大醫學院院長梁卓偉教授致送紀念品予中南大學湘雅醫院前院長孫虹教授。 3 HKUMed and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine co-hosted a training workshop at HKUSZH in December 2018 with the Chinese Medical Doctors Associations on best practices in postgraduate medical education. 港大醫學院和香港醫學專科學院與中國醫師協會合作,於 2018 年 12 月在港大 深圳醫院聯合主辦「研究生醫學教育最佳守則培訓工作坊」。 4 The announcement ceremony of “The Consortium Consensus on Core Competency Framework for Residency Education” was held at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in September 2018. 『聯盟住院醫師核心勝任力框架共識」發佈儀式於 2018 年 9 月在北京協和醫 院舉行。 New developments are happening in undergraduate education, too. In July 2018, a pilot programme was pioneered with MBBS students and students of the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) to learn more about poverty alleviation through health, as first proposed by President Xi Jinping himself. Recently the National Health Commission asked HKU to participate in this project as a trailblazer. The 10-day programme was an eye-opener. Students of both institutions jointly visited the PUMC Hospital, which was ranked the top hospital in the country from 2009 to 2017 and has about 5,000 medical staff, then headed to Yonghe County in the southwest of Shanxi province, one of the four poorest in the country where hospitals and clinics struggle with resource challenges and staff shortages. “We are two of the very top medical schools in the country and this was an opportunity to deepen our integration,” Professor Leung said. The success of that goal was reflected in comments by Tsui Yat-yan (Medic '22): “This trip showed me the less glamourous side of China and the genuine relationship between the land and the people. I was also grateful to meet top-notch medical students from the Mainland and I was pleasantly surprised by their humility and the similarities that we share as medical students. Visiting villages and local medical facilities side- by-side with them allowed us to grow closer as a community and enriched our understanding of each other.” 5
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