23 Medical Faculty News 梁卓偉教授說:「協和醫學院與港大醫學院同屬國家 最高水平,這是一次深化雙方融和合作的機會。」交流的成 果可從徐溢恩同學 (Medic ’22) 所寫的活動感想中反映出 來:「這次旅程讓我體會到中國比較貧困的一面,以及人民 與土地之間的真摯感情。我很感恩可以認識到內地頂尖的 醫學生,教我詫異的是,他們是那麼謙卑,而我們身為醫學 生之間也有不少相似之處。跟他們並肩同行參觀農村及當 地醫療設施,令我們漸漸產生一種社群歸屬感,相互認識 更深。」 1 Chinese medical experts including Professor Peng Jie, Director of the Residency Training Office, Xiangya Hospital Central South University (first left); Wang Xingyue, Director of Post-Graduate Medical Training Department, West China Hospital, Sichuan University (second left); Professor Kuang Ming, Vice President of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (third left) ; Professor Qiao Jie, President of Peking University Third Hospital (fourth left),Professor Zhang Shuyang, Vice President of Peking Union Medical College Hospital(fifth left), visited The Queen Mary Hospital. 中南大學湘雅醫院住院醫師規範化培訓辦公室主任彭杰教授(左一)、四川大學 華西醫院畢業後培訓部部長王星月(左二)、中山大學附屬第一醫院副院長匡銘 教授(左三)、北京大學第三醫院院長喬杰教授(左四)和北京協和醫院副院長 張抒揚教授(左五)等內地醫療專家一同參觀瑪麗醫院。 2 Members of the China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals held a meeting on survey report for core competence. 『中國精英教學醫院聯盟」成員就聯盟核心能力調 查 結果報告展開會議。 3 (From left to right) Li Wenkai, chief representative of China Medical Board and the Board’s President, Dr Lincoln Chen; Professor Zhao Yupei, President of Peking Union Medical College Hospital and Professor Zhang Shuyang, Vice President of PUMC Hospital took a photo in front of the International Member plaque of China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals at HKUMed. (由左至右) 美國中華醫學基金會駐華首席代表李文凱、美國中華醫學基金會主席 陳致和博士、北京協和醫院趙玉沛院長及張抒揚副院長在港大醫學院「中國住院 培訓精英教學醫院聯盟」成員單位牌匾前合照。 4 MBBS students visited the Peking Union Medical College and took a group photo with the teachers and students of PUMC. 港大醫學院內外全科醫學課程的學生參觀北京協和醫學院,跟該院老師及學 生合照。 4
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