56 Media Highlights October 2018 HKU scientists discover a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent dwarfism caused by excessive cellular stress 港大發現因細胞應激過度活躍而引起的侏儒症的 醫治方向 Media Highlights HKUMed keeps the Hong Kong community informed of the latest developments in health-related issues, and encourages a healthy lifestyle, contributing to TV and radio programmes, such as 《精靈一點》、《醫生與我》、 «自在八點半》 (Radio Television Hong Kong, RTHK) ; The Pearl Report 、《新聞透視》、《星期日檔案》、《醫療 專題》、«最強生命線》、《癌症系列》、《醫療系列》、 « X 偏方全民拆解» (Television Broadcasts Limited, TVB) ; «至 FIT 男女》 (iCable) ;《杏林在線》 (NOW News). We contribute regular health columns in local newspapers including the Oriental Daily News 《東方日報醫健 寶庫系列》 (Saturdays) and am730 《香港大學李嘉誠 醫學院心臟科系列》、《香港大學李嘉誠醫學院眼科 系列》 (Mondays). The Faculty also lined up interviews with colleagues for their comments and expertise on electronic cigarettes, smoking cessation, lymphoma, G6PD, pancreatic cancer and other health-related issues. The Faculty provided media consultancy and assistance to students in organising the “Drug Usage Information Day – Diabetes Mellitus” campaign. The event attracted positive media coverage. ** Please visit our Knowledge Exchange − Engaging the Community section at to find out more. Recent Faculty press events include: HKU discovers that rat hepatitis E virus can cause hepatitis in humans 港大發現大鼠戊型肝炎病毒(C物種)可引起人類肝炎 September 2018 HKU finds ADHD drug use increase in Hong Kong and 13 different countries Safety and efficacy of ADHD drugs monitoring indispensable 港大發現香港及全球多個地區ADHD藥物使用量 持續上升 監測ADHD藥物安全及效用不容忽視 HKU discovers novel roles of Alzheimer genes in patients with Hirschsprung disease 港大發現阿爾茨海默病基因在先天性巨結腸病擁 有獨特功能 19 27 28 8
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