Medical Faculty News v25i1
Media Highlights HKUMed keeps the Hong Kong community informed of the latest developments in health-related issues, and encourages a healthy lifestyle, contributing to TV and radio programmes, such as 《精靈一點》、《醫生與你》、 《自在八點半》、《五夜講場》 (Radio Television Hong Kong, RTHK) ; The Pearl Report 、《新聞透視》、《星期日 檔案》、《醫療專題》、《最強生命線》、《癌症系列》、 《老人病系列》、《醫療系列》、《 X 偏方全民拆解》、 《東張西望》 (Television Broadcasts Limited, TVB) ; 《至 FIT 男女》 (iCable) 、《杏林在線》 (NOW News). We contribute regular health columns* in local newspapers including the Oriental Daily News 《東方日報醫 健寶庫系列》 (Saturdays) and am730 《醫理:香港大學李 嘉誠醫學院系列》 (Mondays). The Faculty also lined up interviews with colleagues for their comments and expertise on acute appendicitis, esophageal achalasia, hyperparathyroidism, epiretinal membrane, hepatitis B, septicemia and other health-related issues. The Faculty provided media consultancy and assistance to students in organising the “Drug Usage Information Day – Learn More, Breathe Better” and “Health Exhibition - A Mission for Vision” campaign. The events attracted positive media coverage. * Please visit our Knowledge Exchange - Engaging the Community section at to find out more. January 2019 10 HKUMed discovers novel drug compounds and associated drug target for broad-spectrum antiviral therapy 港大團隊發現全新的廣譜抗病毒藥物及 相關靶點 25 HKUMed researchers report high influenza vaccine effectiveness in Hong Kong, 2018-19 winter 香港大學研究人員報告香港2018-19年 度冬季流感疫苗的高效性 31 HKUMed discovers high risk epstein-barr virus variants associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma 港大研究發現高危EB病毒變異與鼻咽 癌息息相關 February 2019 13 HKUMed demonstrates that acute sleep deprivation is associated with significant increase in DNA damage and decrease in DNA repair in young doctors 港大研究顯示短期睡眠不足導致基因損 傷及影響基因修復 21 HKU and Imperial College London develop the first robotic aptamer- based platform for hormone pulsatility measurement, enabling better diagnosis of reproductive disorders 香港大學和倫敦帝國學院共同開發首個 基於核酸適配體的荷爾蒙脈衝自動檢測 平台有助提升生殖障礙診斷水準 26 HKUMed discovers new potential targeted approach in the treatment of ovarian cancer 港大發現卵巢癌標靶治療新方向 March 2019 5 HKUMed studies the prevalence of viral hepatitis in Hong Kong – The first largest population territory- based study identifies areas of need in combating liver diseases 港大發表首個針對病毒性肝炎患病率的 全港大規模人口研究 確定防治肝病的需求 7 HKU announces its findings on the role of testosterone in serious heart conditions using Mendelian randomisation 港大公布一項利用孟德爾隨機化方法分 析睾酮與嚴重心臟疾病關聯關係之研究 結果 Recent Faculty press events include: 96 Media Highlights
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