Medical Faculty News v25i1
11 HKUMed discovers mechanisms underlying fatal SARS acute lung injury 港大發現SARS冠狀病毒急性肺損傷致 死的機制 April 2019 9 HKUMed shows breastfeeding is linked with a more favourable lipid profile in adolescence 港大醫學院研究發現母乳餵哺與青少年 擁有較健康血脂水平有關 May 2019 22 HKU successfully performs the first non-fusion scoliosis surgery by vertebral body tethering in Hong Kong 香港大學完成香港首宗VBT技術進行的 非融合脊柱側彎手術 27 HKUMed School of Nursing invited to join the China Nursing Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院護理學院獲邀加 入「中國精英教學醫院護理聯盟」 30 HKUMed receives donation of HK$10 million from the Aspiration Foundation for the establishment of the Faculty’s Second Chance Scholarship 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院獲「願慈善基 金」捐贈一千萬港元設立「願慈善基金 毅行醫路獎學金」 31 HKUMed publishes a book titled Confessions and Professions: Grand Rounds in Hong Kong Medicine 港大醫學院出版《Confessions and Professions: Grand Rounds in Hong Kong Medicine》,收錄40多位醫學界 領袖包括傑出校友、老師、研究員和醫 生等訪問 June 2019 3 HKU discovers stem cell breakthrough Offers new avenue for advancing research into embryonic development, regenerative medicine, biotechnology and agriculture 香港大學在幹細胞科研取得突破性發展 為胚胎發育、再生醫學、生物科技及農 業的研究開拓新途徑 5 HKU Medical Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Programme employs AI as new testing ground for more optimal and efficient clinical practice of eye diseases 香港大學醫學人工智能實驗室計劃以 人工智能進行研究 在眼疾臨床應用上更有效率 24 HKU Trailblazer Project finds country parks linked to an active and healthy lifestyle 港大「開拓者計劃」研究發現郊野公園 與活力健康的生活方式息息相關 July 2019 11 HKUMed reports real-time population data on depression and suicidal ideation: a 10-year prospective cohort 港大醫學院發表10年隊列研究報告: 出現抑鬱症及有自殺想法的全港性即時 人口數據 17 HKUMed develops a new platform for accelerating protein engineering and optimising CRISPR protein for higher fidelity in gene editing 香港大學開發首個蛋白質優化平台提升 基因編輯酶的準確性和效率 August 2019 14 HKUMed discovers previously unidentified mechanisms of obesity- induced insulin resistance and new biomarker of anti-diabetic Miao medicine 港大發現肥胖引起胰島素抵抗的新機制 和苗藥治療新靶點 97 Medical Faculty News
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