April 2020 3 HKUMed research suggested surgical masks could prevent transmission of seasonal coronaviruses from symptomatic people 港大醫學院研究顯示外科口罩 可有效預防有病徵患者傳播季節性 冠狀病毒 10 HKU Department of Microbiology and Department of Surgery establish the world ’ s first ex vivo human lung tissue culture model for COVID-19 香港大學微生物學系及外科學系建 立全球第一個 COVID-19 人類體 外肺組織感染模型 15 HKUMed research shows that stroke patients are presenting to hospitals one hour later during COVID-19, potentially jeopardising the patients ’ eligibility for treatments and affecting the outcome 港大醫學院研究顯示 新型冠狀病 毒病疫情下 急性中風病人平均 延遲求醫一小時或影響治療成效 May 2020 8 HKUMed researchers discovered novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can infect more efficiently than SARS-CoV in human airways and eyes, implicating that eyes may be an important route of SARS- CoV-2 human infection 港大醫學院研究發現新型冠狀病毒 ( SARS-CoV-2 )較引起「沙士」的 冠狀病毒( SARS-CoV )更容易感 染人類呼吸道及眼睛 顯示眼睛可 能是人類感染新型冠狀病毒的重要 途徑 9 HKU Department of Microbiology developed the triple combination of interferon beta-1b, lopinavir-ritonavir, and ribavirin in the treatment of COVID-19 patients 港大微生物學系建立用於 COVID-19 患者的干擾素 β -1b 、 洛匹那韋─利托那韋和利巴韋林三 藥聯合治療 13 HKU Department of Microbiology ’ s new discovery on virology SARS-CoV-2 capable of infecting intestinal cells 香港大學微生物學系在病毒學上的 發現 ─ SARS-CoV-2 能夠感染腸 道細胞 14 HKUMed researchers studied the modes of transmission of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and discovered a mechanism that may explain the temporary loss of sense of smell by using a golden hamster animal model 港大醫學院利用金倉鼠動物實驗 模型研究新型冠狀病毒( SARS- CoV-2 )的傳播模式 並發現或可解 釋患者暫時喪失嗅覺的機制 16 HKU discovers the effectiveness of surgical mask partition in reducing non-contact transmission of SARS- CoV-2 in a golden Syrian hamster model for COVID-19 香港大學利用 COVID-19 金黃敘 利亞倉鼠模型證實使用外科口罩 可有效減低 SARS-CoV-2 非接觸 性傳播 19 HKUMed scientists unlock the molecular mechanism that promotes ovarian cancer growth, paving the way for new treatment opportunities 港大醫學院研究揭示促使卵巢癌 生長的分子機制 為癌症病變治療 研發指引新方向 28 HKUMed introduces the latest robotic arm assisted joint replacement technology for enhancing surgical precision 港大醫學院引入嶄新機械臂關節置 換技術 提升手術精準度 June 2020 2 HKUMed WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control releases superspreading and latest epidemiologic update of COVID-19 港大醫學院世衞傳染病流行病學及 控制合作中心發表有關新型冠狀 病毒( COVID-19 )超級傳播及流 行病學最新概況 18 HKUMed research examines how Hong Kong managed first wave of COVID-19 without resorting to complete lockdown 港大醫學院研究揭示香港如何在未 採取完全封城的情況下 成功守住 第一波 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情 58 Media Highlights
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