21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong t 3917 9175 f 2974 0678 e medfac@hku.hk General Enquiries mfedit@hku.hk Medical Faculty News w www.med.hku.hk Editorial Team Editor-in-Chief Ada Leung Wing-yee 梁穎怡 Managing Editor Evelyn Chan 陳惠明 Executive Editor Olivia Wong 黃潔玲 Assistant Editor Adrian Chan 陳健忠 Graphic Design Easy Design All rights reserved 2020 Please visit www.med.hku.hk for the current and past issues of the Medical Faculty News. We welcome comments and suggestions, or reports about errors that require correction. Messages can be e-mailed to mfedit@hku.hk or faxed to 2974 0678. Covid-19: HKUMed at the Vanguard 37 NEXT GENERATION 40 ALUMNI NEWS 41 CONGRATULATIONS 41 ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS 46 PEOPLE 51 DONATIONS 56 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS
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