In August 2020, the current cabinet of Pharmacy Society Pleiades organised the “Pharmacy Society Orientation Night”. With face-to-face activities cancelled in light of COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s orientation activities were organised online for the cohort of pharmacy students that will graduate in 2024 (P24). The orientation took place on August 29 and was well received by the incoming freshmen students. The orientation included several ice-breaking mini- games to encourage mingling across cohorts. These allowed the incoming and returning students to get to know each other better and hopefully make some lasting friendships. The Committee Members also hosted a study sharing session The HKU Public Health Alumni Society organised a panel discussion on August 7, 2019, featuring alumni from the School and other emerging public health leaders. The panel members shared their experiences working in the field. After the panel discussion, participants made use of the opportunity to connect with each other. The event was well received and attended by current students, recent graduates and young professionals. The HKU Public Health Alumni Society also held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 30, 2019, presenting the Annual and Financial Reports of the Society. Pharmacy Society Orientation Night Public Health Alumni Society’s Social Activities and AGM in 2019 to provide study tips and guidance to all P24. Attendees learned about ways to adjust to university life and make the best of their learning experience. Finally, a Q&A session was arranged during the event to allow seniors to answer questions from the newcomers. The Pharmacy Society Orientation Night gave freshmen a warm welcome, some sage advice, and hopefully the beginnings of a support network that will serve them throughout their four years at HKUMed. We hope all our freshmen had a great time during the event! 38 Next Generation
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