HKUMed MFN v26i1
չ䧮♧湬㖈䙼罌䧮 ⦛㼩倴氭氻堥ⵖ涸㛇燊灇 瑖穡卓腋や欽倴涮劢 ⢵屛氻涸倞倰呪罜➃겳 涸氭氻⿶腋捀欰暟㛇劥 堥ⵖ涸倞涮植䌟⢵⡦珏㉖ 爚պ度㣐ꄴ㷸ꤎꀶꉣ僈⟺ ⮸㛇ꆄ來䱇ⴕ㶩鼍⫄㷸 ⿻欰暟⻋㷸闍䏠來䱇 闒颣 䛸來䱇 铞 ‘I am always looking out to see whether our fundamental research findings on disease mechanisms would be useful to develop treatments and by the same token, how human disorders present opportunities to discover fundamental mechanisms in biology’ said Professor Kathryn Song Eng Cheah , Jimmy and Emily Tang Professor in Molecular Genetics and Chair Professor of Biochemistry of the School of Biomedical Sciences. Her achievements have earned her international acclaim as she has just received a prestigious accolade - the British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB) Medal Lecture Award presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to matrix biology and are internationally recognised as leaders in the field. She attributes the honour to the students, postdocs and collaborators with whom she has worked with. Keeping her mind open is the key to Professor Cheah’s success. ‘Open your mind to things you aren’t looking for. Don’t discard any research findings simply because they don’t fit in what you think the answers should be. Be persistent and brave enough to receive critical feedback - that’s how we all learn.’ Professor Cheah plans to describe her groups’ latest exciting research findings at the BSMB Spring Conference in 2022: ‘We have discovered how an extracellular matrix degrading enzyme, MMP14, acts as a key regulator of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) signaling pathway in bone cells to moderate bone synthesis.’ she said. Since PTH is one of the few FDA approved drugs for osteoporosis, but has many side-effects because it affects whole body physiology, the discovery bears significant implications for future development of improved treatments of bone wasting diseases such as osteoporosis. Professor Cheah’s journey as a molecular geneticist at HKU dated back to 1983, after her early career as postdoctoral researcher in London. She was Head of the Department of Biochemistry for 12 years from 1997 and Director of the Centre for Reproduction, Development and Growth at HKUMed in 2004-2009. She was elected Fellow of The World Academy of Science in 2013. The Cycle from Bench to Bedside and Back 㛇燊猰㷸莅荆䎯屛派涸湱✽䗅橇 闒來䱇捀猰灇➰ⴀ涸⸗⸂莅䧭㽠飷䖤㕜ꥹ肥㹁㥠 剓鵜栽薊㕜㛇颶欰暟㷸⼿剚#SJUJTI 4PDJFUZ GPS .BUSJY #J PMPHZ矦珖#4.#갼涮䎃䏞怵闍栁㎗鏪㥠㼩㛇颶欰暟 㷸涸⪂ⴀ䧭㽠莅⨀㣐顀桐⚛䕥곏㥠㖈㕜ꥹ湱ꡠ걆㚖涸걆 㼬㖒⡙㥠㼟鸏囙隘娝⸆倴莅㥠♧饱䊨⡲涸㷸欰⽈㡦䖕 灇瑖㆞ㄤざ⡲罏 㼩闒來䱇⢵铢⥃䭰佞涸䢀䏞僽䧭⸆涸ꡠ꒳չⴽ 㔔灇瑖穡卓♶㥶갸劍罜佞唳蕰⡹腋糒糵㛚䭰♴⹅侒 㖒䱺「䪡鐱鸏❉溏⡂㣟侁涸竤娜ㄤ涮植剚⟂⡹䖤ⵌꅾ 㣐㉖涮պ 闒來䱇㼟捀#4.# 䎃䏞僱㷎剚陾涮邍怵闍 ꤑ㔐곃麕䖃涸灇瑖娜玑鼩剚ⴕ❧㥠ㄤ㕰涸剓倞涮 植չ䧮䩧皿闍鶤稣脆㢫㛇颶꣮鍑ꃍՂ..1 㥶⡦㖈 남냛稣脆⚥⯏殹歌朜倾艒慨稇 15) ⥌贫鱲㼬鸒騟涸 ꡠ꒳锅眏ꃍ䖰罜䕧갠남냛涸䕎䧭պ 15) 僽㼱侸栽繡㕜굺ㅷ谔暟盘椚㽷䪡ⲥ欽倴남颶毝 논氿涸谔暟⛓♧⡎㸐㼩㛇넓欰椚㷸涸䕧갠䌟⢵♶㼱ⶰ⡲ 欽姽灇瑖㼩倴劢⢵佖㊥남颶毝논氿瘞氭氻涸屛派倰呪Ⱘ 剤ꅾ㣐䠑纏 闒來䱇傍䎃㖈⧍侚二⟤⽈㡦䖕灇瑖㆞ 䎃⸈Ⰵ 度㣐剪荛➛荈 䎃饱二⟤欰暟⻋㷸禺禺⚺⟤麨 䎃⚛倴 䎃二⟤度㣐ꄴ㷸ꤎ欰婥涮肬ㄤ欰Ꟁ ⚥䗱⚺⟤倴 䎃栽殹鼇⚆歲猰㷸ꤎꤎ㡦 29
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