HKUMed MFN v26i1
Dr Jenny Lam Ka-wing 卌㎗걲 , Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, received The DDL (Drug Delivery to the Lungs) Emerging Scientist Award from The Aerosol Society in December 2020. Dr Henry Mak Ka-fung 띋㎗鞮 , Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, was awarded the Best Poster Presentation by Hong Kong College of Radiologists in November 2020. Dr Loey Mak Lung-yi 띋륌⯥ , Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, won the Young Investigator’s $ZDUG DW WKH WK $QQXDO &RQIHUHQFH RI WKH $VLDQ 3DFLĺF Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) in February 2021. She won the Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigators 2020 from Hong Kong College of Physicians in September 2020. Additionally, the Croucher Foundation has awarded her a fellowship for 2021/2022. Dr Ng Ming-yen 랖僈ꐉ , Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, was selected for the Future Leaders Programme by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in March 2021. Professor Walter Seto Wai-kay 䖝⨀㛇 , Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, was conferred a Fellowship by the American Gastroenterological Association in February 2021. Dr Kendrick Co Shih 倷䡗鶔 , Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, received the Academic Development Mentorship Scheme Award from the 2020 Academy RI $VLD 3DFLĺF RI 2SKWKDOPRORJ\ $$332 LQ 'HFHPEHU Dr Wang Weiping 寝遺䎂 , Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, received the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award from Thieme Chemistry in January 2021. Professor Kenneth Wong Kak-yuen 랔呔⯋ , Clinical Professor and Chief of Division of Paediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, received the HKWC and QMH/TYH Outstanding Team Award (Paediatric Thoracoscopic Team) from the Hong Kong West Cluster, Hospital Authority in March 2021. Mr Henry Yau 康䑞兰 , Managing Director, The University of Hong Kong Clinical Trials Centre (HKU-CTC), was appointed as Chairperson of the International Clinical Trials Center Network (ICN) in September 2020. Dr Yiu Kai-hang 㩉㉬䛎 , Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, won the Global Quality Improvement Category of 23rd Annual Quality Improvement (QI) Awards 2020 from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standard (ACHS) in December 2020. Professor Yuen Kwok-yung , Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases, Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases; Dr Kelvin To Kai-wang 勭㉬屾 , Head and Clinical Associate Professor; Dr Jasper Chan Fuk-woo ꤫犷ㄤ , Clinical Assistant Professor; Dr Kok Kin-hang 鿓⨴䛎 , Associate Professor (Non-Clinical); Dr Chu Hin 劫鮯 ; and Dr Yuan Shuofeng 邿焚䂾 , Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, won First Place in the 2020 Best Papers Award from the Emerging Microbes & Infections journal in February 2021. Their winning article was entitled ‘Genomic characterization of the 2019 novel human-pathogenic coronavirus isolated from a patient with atypical pneumonia after visiting Wuhan’. Dr Zhou Runhong ヰ情㸪 5HVHDUFK 2IĺFHU $,'6 ,QVWLWXWH won the Young Investigator Award from the Hong Kong Society for Immunology in December 2020. 39
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