HKUMed MFN v26i1
People In Remembrance Dr Edwin Hui Chi-wai (許志偉) It is with profound sorrow that HKUMed reports the death of Dr Edwin Hui Chi-wai (許志偉) . Dr Hui was a distinguished faculty member, visionary, devoted teacher and globally recognised expert in his field. He passed away in Vancouver on November 17, 2020. Dr Hui was Director of the Medical Ethics Unit of the Faculty from 2005 to 2011 and a Clinical Professor and Clinical Associate Professor of the Faculty from 2006 to 2011. With profound enthusiasm, Dr Hui developed the medical ethics course for MBBS and actively participated in the teaching of this important discipline in HKUMed. Dr Hui was also involved in the Hospital Authority as a consultant in Clinical Ethics. His contributions to medical ethics education will remain invaluable inspirations to many of us. Professor Kennedy Francis Shortridge (邵力殊) It is with deep sadness that HKUMed and The University of Hong Kong report the death of Emeritus Professor Kennedy Francis Shortridge (邵力殊) . Professor Shortridge was a renowned researcher on influenza ecology. He generated the hypothesis in 1982 that southern China is an epicentre for the emergence of pandemic influenza viruses and the consolidated hypothesis that pandemic influenza is a zoonosis and made significant contributions to the medical community with his crucial work on early detection of the H5N1 “bird flu” outbreak in 1997. For this work he earned the Prince Mahidol Award in Public Health in 1999. He was also an Honorary Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow. Goodbye We would like to express our gratitude and best wishes to the following staff members who have left the Faculty: Professor Khong Pek-Lan (孔碧蘭) , and Dr Chan Tao (陳濤) , Department of Diagnostic Radiology Dr Hugo Cogo-Moreira , School of Public Health Professor Patrick Woo Chiu-yat (胡釗逸), Department of Microbiology Dr Xia Zhengyuan (夏正遠) , Department of Anaesthesiology Dr Yan Chun-hoi (忻振凱) , Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Retirement The Faculty would like to thank the following staff members for their dedication, service and contributions to the Faculty. We wish them all the best for their future endeavours: Professor James Chim Chor-sang (詹楚生) Professor Jimmy Lai Shiu-ming (黎少明) 48
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