HKUMed MFN v26i1
Public lectures/ Symposia/ Forums 81 Media interviews and press conferences 186 Health programmes on television and radio (excluded expertise and comments related to COVID-19 on TV and radio) 259 Regular newspaper columns 100 Media coverage generated (included expertise, comments, functions and activities related to COVID-19) 13,587 Research Grants Research Output Public Education * Provisionally awarded Research grants awarded to Faculty members totalled HK$565.915 million • The Faculty’s refereed research output saw 1,755.4 items produced in 2019-2020, accounting for 39.1% of the University’s total of 4,493.2 refereed items. The output included important publications in The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, Nature and Science, etc. • According to Clarivate Analytics, our researchers have published 375 Highly Cited Papers, and 4 staff members are listed as Highly Cited Researchers. As of July 2020, among 127 HKU staff on the list of Top 1% scholar, 54 of them are from HKUMed, making up 42.5% of the Top 1% scholar in HKU. RGC General Research Fund 71 Projects | HK$ 74.583 m Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) 118 Projects | HK$ 139.48 m* Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) Commissioned Grant 29 Projects | HK$ 172.037 m RGC Theme-based Research Scheme 4 Projects | HK$ 61.088 m Innovation and Technology Fund 33 Projects | HK$ 29.18 m Others 46 Projects | HK$ 89.547 m 5
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