HKUMed MFN v26i1
Ms Joy Li Sha 勛蛏 , PhD student, School of Nursing, was awarded Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Research and Clinical Fellowship in September 2020 and was granted the YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship 2020/21 in April 2021. Ms Rose Lin Sin-yi Ⲵ㊥㹆 , PhD student, was granted HKU COA JMK Dementia Care Scholarship by Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong, in December 2020. Mr Liu Teng-fei ⷠ꿴굳 , Ms Loong Ho-chun 륌嵞棇 and Mr Matthew Wong Tsz-lam 랔㶩ꩯ , PhD students, School of Biomedical Sciences, were winners of Oral Presentation at the 25 th Research Postgraduate Symposium, HKU, in December 2020. Mr Lo Yeung 湖峕 , PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was one of the awardees at the 24 th Recognition Ceremony, by Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS), HKU, in April 2021. He and Mr Wang Lin 桬楧 , PhD students, School of Biomedical Sciences, won the Grand Prize (Innovation) and First Prize (Life Sciences) in The 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, by Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association in December 2020. Ms Mo Yufei 蜓㸙굳 , PhD student, won the Poster Presentation Award at Hong Kong Immunology Forum 2020, by The Hong Kong Society for Immunology in December 2020. Mr Rahaman Syed Mushfiqur , PhD student, Department of Surgery, was granted Hui Pun Hing Memorial Postgraduate Fellowship by the Hui Pun Hing Endowment Fund in December 2020. Ms Asra Sainju, Undergraduate student, School of Biomedical Sciences, granted The Ethnic Minority Women and Girls Scholarship by The Zubin Foundation in October 2020. Mr Sun Zhongqing 㷟⚥鰋 , PhD student, won Tianjiang Cup Li Shizhen Youth Outstanding Thesis Award at The 16 th International Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine in August 2020. Ms Sum Min-yi 䀉併䚃 and Ms Stephanie Wong Ming-yin 桬そ䕔 , PhD students, Department of Psychiatry, won the Early Career Award at 2021 Schizophrenia International Research Society Congress in February 2021. Ms Naomi Takemura 畾勠㣾筱繡 , PhD student, School of Nursing, was granted Wong Ching Yee Medical Postgraduate Scholarship 2020/21. She and Ms Lubecca Zhao Shengzhi 馢渿⛓ , PhD students, School of Nursing, won the Outstanding Presentation Award and Peers’ Choice Presentation Award, respectively, at U21 Research Postgraduate Symposium (online) in December 2020. Ms Wong Wing-yan 랔琐妇 , Undergraduate student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was granted The Innovation and Technology Scholarship, by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in September 2020. Ms Wendy Zhang Wen 䓹ꨛ , PhD student, School of Nursing, granted Glasgow/HKU Early Career Mobility Funds 2019-20 in April 2019 and YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship 2020/21 in December 2020. Ms Zhou Dongyan ヰⱵ敶 , PhD student, Department of Microbiology, won the Poster Presentation Award at the 25 th Research Postgraduate Symposium in December 2020. Ms Zou Yixin ꀎ谁鳟 , PhD student, was awarded the Research Grant by The Hong Kong Society of Nephrology in September 2020. People 52
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