HKUMed MFN v26i1
HKUMed’s Outstanding Performance in RAE 2020 1,015 Research Output Submitted by HKUMed 100% Research Impact Rated 4* or 3* 100% Research Environment Rated 4* or 3* HKUMed’s Performance Of the 1,015 research outputs submitted by HKUMed for RAE 2020, 70% were rated 4* (world leading) or 3* (Internationally excellent) by UGC’s international panel. In particular, HKUMed has the highest percentage of 3* and 4* ratings in the Units of Assessment (UoA) of Clinical Medicine, Pre-Clinical Studies, Nursing, Optometry, Rehabilitation Sciences and Other Health Care Professionals, each exceeding 70%. More than 60% of Chinese medicine research projects also scored 3* or above in RAE 2020. HKUMed’s research performance in RAE 2020 also witnessed a significant improvement from the previous RAE in 2014 with the overall 3* or above ratings rising to 70% from 42.5%. In the aforesaid research areas, the 3* or above ratings were up to as much as 2.18 times of those six years ago. Being the sixth research quality assessment exercise conducted by UGC since 1993, RAE 2020 is the first time that ‘research impact’ and ‘research environment’ have been included in its assessment framework. In these two new criteria, HKUMed attained 100% 3* or above ratings across all relevant UoAs. This is a clear indication that HKUMed’s research projects are not only academically outstanding, but also with profound impact beyond academia. It also speaks loudly and positively about HKUMed’s tireless efforts to provide a favourable environment to facilitate research of world-leading or internationally recognised quality. Results of Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 announced by the University *UDQWV &RPPLWWHH 8*& LQ 0D\ FRQðUPV WKH UHVHDUFK H[FHOOHQFH RI +.80HG DQG its leading position in medical research among local institutions. 70% Overall Research Quality Rated 4* or 3* Figures 6
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