HKUMed MFN v26i1
Clinical Medicine 76% Rated 4* or 3* Pre-Clinical Studies 72% Rated 4* or 3* Chinese Medicine 61% Rated 4* or 3* Nursing, Optometry, Rehabilitation Sciences and Other Health Care Professions 71% Rated 4* or 3* Overall Assessment in Relevant UoA For results of RAE 2020, please refer to the following website: HKUMed has the highest percentage of 3* and 4* ratings in the following Units of Assessment compared with other local institutions: Period of Assessment Oct 1, 2013 – Sept 30, 2019 RAE 2020 Assessment Framework Research Outputs 70% Research Impact (new) 15% Research Environment (new) Overall 15% 100% Panels 13 Units of Assessment (UoA) 41 Panel Members 361 Non-local scholars 70% Submissions Assessed UGC-funded universities 8 Research outputs 16,000 Eligible academic staff 4,200 Research impact case studies 340 Research environment statements 190 WORLD LEADING ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE TO PRODUCING RESEARCH OF WORLD-LEADING QUALITY INTERNATIONALLY EXCELLENT CONSIDERABLE IMPACTS ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE TO PRODUCING RESEARCH OF INTERNATIONALLY EXCELLENT QUALITY OUTSTANDING IMPACTS Research Outputs Research Impact Research Environment Assessment for 7
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