Professor Liang agrees that the focus should be on service. ‘Clinical work should be the foundation of what we do. We should continue to create new knowledge and stay at the forefront of research and innovation, and remember the importance of public service. We also have to invest well when we are on the upward trend.’ Professor Lee expressed great confidence in the Faculty’s ability to achieve its goals. ‘The Faculty men and women are extraordinary, they have the rare gift of imaginative creativity coupled with enthusiasm and they are indefatigable. HKUMed has a unique profile and a unique mission in the life and history of Hong Kong. If HKUMed grows stronger, Hong Kong will be a better place,’ he said. Professor Leung echoed these grand visions and aspirations. He noted that he is in the fortunate position of being able to implement change at a time of opportunity and greater support from society. But he also does not want the Faculty to lose sight of the human touch that is central to healthcare. ‘A doctor who cares for the whole person, not just the disease, and a researcher who contributes their expertise to bringing about transformational change, such as providing evidence for new legislation to protect health – these things cannot be measured by impact factor analysis or research metrices. These are the qualities that go to the heart of our mission,’ he said. ‘By consolidating our resources and strengths, we have laid a solid foundation for the Faculty’s further development in the next 20 to 30 years. Research is of course very important, as is the commercialisation of research outcomes to benefit more patients and the general public. The next thing to consider is service delivery,’ he said. ‘I think very strongly about clinical care and service delivery,’ said Professor Tang. ‘Both teaching and research should contribute to patient care. It is also very important to show people respect, get them on board and let them know that they are heard.’ ‘Clinical work should be the foundation of what we do. We should continue to create new knowledge and stay at the forefront of research and innovation, and remember the importance of public service. We also have to invest well when we are on the upward trend.’ Professor Raymond Liang ‘The Faculty men and women are extraordinary, they have the rare gift of imaginative creativity coupled with enthusiasm and they are indefatigable. HKUMed has a unique profile and a unique mission in the life and history of Hong Kong. If HKUMed grows stronger, Hong Kong will be a better place.’ Professor Lee Sum-ping ‘A doctor who cares for the whole person, not just the disease, and a researcher who contributes their expertise to bringing about transformational change, such as providing evidence for new legislation to protect health – these things cannot be measured by impact factor analysis or research metrices. These are the qualities that go to the heart of our mission.’ Professor Gabriel Leung 50%+ Net floor space by 2027 15 HKUMed News Winter 2021