People 人物 It is with deep sorrow that HKUMed and HKU-SZH report the passing of Professor Chiu Man-chun. Professor Chui was Honorary Clinical Professor of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of HKUMed; Consultant of the Department of Paediatrics of the HKU-SZH, and former Deputy Head of Department. He passed away in Hong Kong on 29 September 2021, aged 72. Professor Chiu had contributed significantly to the development of paediatric nephrology in Mainland China. His enthusiasm in ensuring this medical subspecialty aligned with international standard compelled him to frequently visit and teach at universities and hospitals in Mainland China. Professor Chiu had served as honorary professor and visiting professor in various universities, namely The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. He was one of the founding professors of the Department of Pediatrics at HKU-SZH who steered the robust growth of the department. Professor Chiu was also one of the pioneers in carrying out the maintenance of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment for children with end-stage renal disease in Shenzhen. A graduate of HKUMed (MBBS 1974), Professor Chiu was also trained at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. He was a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK (Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Professor Chiu served as Consultant Paediatrician at Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong since 1988, and became Chief of Service since 1993. In 1999, he established the Paediatric Nephrology Centre at the Princess Margaret Hospital. Professor Chiu was one of the founders of the Hong Kong Paediatric Nephrology Society and had served as Chairman of the Society for 7 years. He also founded the Asian Pediatric Nephrology Association, served as board member of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), and represented Asia as the Assistant Secretary-General of IPNA. Professor Chiu will be dearly missed and remembered for his contributions to medicine and education. We extend our deepest condolences to Professor Chiu’s family. 兒童及青少年科學系名譽臨床教授、香港 大學深圳醫院兒科醫學部顧問醫生、前代理 部門主管趙孟準教授於2021年9月29日在 香港病逝,享年72歲。 趙教授對中國兒童腎臟專科發展貢獻良多。 為推動內地兒童腎臟專科水平與國際接軌, 趙教授多次往返內地高校及醫院參與交流 講學,並擔任香港大學、香港中文大學、北 京大學、復旦大學、上海交通大學、廣州中 山大學等多間大學的榮譽教授或客席教授。 香港大學深圳醫院成立伊始,趙教授亦是 兒科的創科教授之一,親手培育並壯大了 香港大學深圳醫院的兒科專業,同時在深圳 率先開展了兒童尿毒症患者的長期血液透析 及腹膜透析治療。 趙孟準教授畢業於港大醫學院(MBBS 1974), 曾於倫敦Great Ormond Street 兒童醫院深造;並擔任英國倫敦、格拉斯 哥、愛丁堡皇家內科學院及皇家兒科及兒 童健康學院院士。 趙教授於1988年起在香港瑪嘉烈醫院擔 任兒科顧問醫生, 於1993年起擔任兒童 及青少年科主任,並於1999年在香港瑪嘉烈 醫院成立了兒童腎病中心,亦是香港小兒腎 科學會創始人之一,並擔任學會主席長達7 年。趙教授同時也是亞洲兒童腎臟病學會創 始人之一,是國際兒科腎病協會(IPNA)理 事會成員,並曾代表亞洲區,出任該協會助 理秘書長。 趙教授畢生貢獻醫療教育,學院同仁對其離 世深感哀痛,並向趙教授家人致以深切慰問。 IN REMEMBRANCE 永遠懷念 Professor Chiu Man-chun 趙孟準教授 Dr Kwan Pui-yan (MBBS 2010) passed away on October 11, 2021 關佩欣醫生於2021年10月11日逝世 Dr Raymond Yuen Chuen-fong (MBBS 1986) passed away on October 9, 2021 袁泉芳醫生於2021年10月9日逝世 Dr Wong Tung-kin (MBBS 1973) passed away on August 29, 2021 黃棟堅醫生於2021年8月29日逝世 With deep sorrow, we mourn the passing of the following Faculty alumni: 學院同仁對校友之離世深感哀悼: 50