Ms Rachel Kwan Hiu-lam, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was awarded the HKU Postgraduate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine 2021/22 in July 2021. 生物醫學學院博士研究生關曉琳於2021年 7月獲頒發2021/22年度香港大學中西結合 醫學研究生獎學金。 Mr Michael Lai Siu-lun, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Young Talent Award in The 2021 ROHTO Award Hong Kong in July 2021. 生物醫學學院博士研究生黎紹綸於2021年 7月獲頒The 2021 ROHTO Award Hong Kong Young Talent Award。 Undergraduate student, Ms Li Yan-kiu (MBBS), was awarded the first place in CARE Summer Research Symposium 2021 – HKU Research Presentation for his oral presentation of ‘Multi-drug resistant pathogens is associated with higher risks of 30-day mortality in patients admitted with acute exacerbations of COPD: A territory wide study with propensity score analysis’ in August 2021; Mr Chow Bak-yue (MBBS) and Mr Teddy Lee Tai-loy (BPharm) received the first place for Poster Competition at the same event. 醫學院本科生李恩翹(MBBS) 於 2021年8月憑其口頭報告月獲CARE Summer Research Symposium 2021– HKU Research Presentation 冠軍; 本科生周伯儒(MBBS)及李泰來(BPharm) 則於同一活動獲海報比賽冠軍。 Mr Lo Kai-ng, undergraduate student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was awarded the Talent Development Scholarship by HKSAR Government in May 2021. 生物醫學學院本科生羅啓吾於2021年5月 獲香港特區政府頒發才藝發展獎學金。 Ms Lu Jingyi, PhD student, Department of Pathology, was awarded the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship by the Research Grants Council in April 2021. 病理學系博士研究生鲁靖怡於2021年4月 獲大學教育資助委員會頒發香港博士研究 生獎學金。 Ms Ng Sau-ni, MPhil student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was awarded the Mary Sun Medical Scholarship 2020/21 in July 2021. 生物醫學學院碩士研究生伍秀妮於 2021年7月獲頒發2020/21年度 Mary Sun Medical Scholarship。 Mr Harry Pan Weijie, PhD student, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy received the Fan Favourite Poster Award by the Controlled Release Society (CRS) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting in July 2021. 藥理及藥劑學系博士研究生潘瑋傑於 2021年7月獲國際藥物控制釋放學會線上 研討會頒發Fan Favourite Poster Award。 Ms Pan Xiyue, Mr Tse Kwan-yiu, Ms Chick Wai-man, Mr Nicolas Lau Cheukhang, undergraduate students, School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Silver Award at the 7th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition on 28 October 2021. 生物醫學學院本科生潘禧悅、 謝鈞堯、 戚惠雯、 劉卓行於2021年10月28日獲頒 第7屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽銀獎。 Ms Rao Ling, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, was awarded the Yu To Sang and Yu Shing Keung Memorial Fund Scholarship 2020/21 in July 2021. 生物醫學學院博士研究生饒玲於2021年 7月獲頒發2020/21年度余道生余盛強 獎學金。 The poster entitled ‘Unintentional injury and its associated factors among the Hong Kong general population’ by Mr Tang Ho-man, Mphil student, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, was named one of the Top 4 Winning Posters at The 8th Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference 2021 in July 2021. 家庭醫學及基層醫療學系碩士研究生 鄧皓文設計之海報於2021年7月入選為 2021年度The 8th Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference 最佳海報獎 四强。 Ms Tian Lu, PhD student, Department of Pathology, received the Foreign Investigator Award presented by the Korean Association for the Study of the Liver (KASL), The Korean Liver Cancer Association (KLCA), The Korean Association of HBP Surgery (KAHBPS) and The Korean Liver Transplantation Society (KLTS) in May 2021. 病理學系博士研究生田璐於2021年5月獲 韓國肝病研究學會、韓國肝癌學會、 The Korean Association of HBP Surgery (KAHBPS)及The Korean Liver Transplantation Society (KLTS)頒發 the Foreign Investigator Award。 Ms Yu Huajian, PhD Student, School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Oral Presentation Award of The 2021 Hong Kong Inter-University Postgraduate Symposium in Biomedical Sciences in June 2021. Mr Kong Mingpeng and Ms Tan Xinyi, PhD students of the same School, won the Poster Presentation Award. 生物醫學學院博士研究生俞華健於2021年 6月獲香港校際生化科學研究生研討會 頒發最佳口頭報告獎;同學院之博士 研究生孔銘鵬及陳歆榆則獲頒發最佳海報 報告獎。 (as of 31 October 2021) 53 HKUMed News Winter 2021