HK$500,000 or above 港幣五十萬元或以上 HK$100,000 or above 港幣十萬元或以上 Mr Ho Ting-Sik 何廷錫先生 Hong Kong Blood Cancer Foundation 香港血癌基金 Institut Pasteur 巴斯德研究所 Mr Leung Wing Ching, Winston 梁穎清先生 Ms Patricia Quong and Mr Dennis Quong 關文惠女士及關朝俊先生 Mr Tang King Yin 鄧景賢先生 Mr Chan Kwok Keung 陳國強先生 Mr Chan Wing Kwan, Patrick 陳永錕先生 Cheermark Investment Limited 迅寧投資有限公司 Mrs Chiu, Juliana Tsang Kwan Yee 趙曽錕儀女士 The Choi Cheung-Kok Foundation 蔡章閣基金 Mr Chu Tat Chi 朱達慈先生 Mr William Fong Yuen-ming 方圓明先生 Ms Hung Siu Lin Katherine 洪小蓮女士 Ms Lau Siu Suet 劉小雪女士 In support of the respiratory research activities on circulating plasma biomarkers in lung cancer undertaken by Dr David Lam Chi-leung In support of the myeloma MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) study project led by Professor James Chim Chor-sang In support of the research and teaching activities of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole (2nd instalment) In support of Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai’s research in nephrology In support of mast cell research and training of researchers in memory of Dr Quong Ton Lung and Reverend Quong Marion Johnston In support of the research in leukaemia undertaken by Professor Anskar Leung Yu-hung In support of the research in nephrology undertaken by Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai In support of Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai for his basic and clinical research in nephrology In support of Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai’s clinical and laboratory research in nephrology In memory of Lee Kum Kee Group Chairman, Mr Lee Man Tat and for the research projects undertaken by Professor Christopher Leung Kai-shun In support of the establishment of The Choi Cheung-Kok Foundation Scholarship In support of the research undertaken by Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai In support of the epidemiological research in relation to coronavirus For the research projects undertaken by Professor Christopher Leung Kai-shun In support of the research in nephrology undertaken by Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai 捐款支持林志良醫生進行肺癌生物標示 研究項目 捐款支持由詹楚生教授領導的治療骨髓瘤 (微量殘存疾病)的研究計劃 捐款用於支持香港大學─巴斯德研究中心 的研究工作和教學活動(第二期捐款) 捐款支持鄧智偉教授的腎臟病研究 捐款支持肥大細胞研究及培訓研究人員, 以紀念Dr Quong Ton Lung 及 Quong Marion Johnston 牧師 捐款支持梁如鴻教授的白血病研究 捐款支持鄧智偉教授的腎臟病研究 捐款支持鄧智偉教授有關腎臟病的基礎及 臨床研究 捐款支持鄧智偉教授有關腎臟病的臨床及 實驗研究 捐款支持梁啟信教授的研究項目工作, 以紀念李錦記集團主席李文達先生 捐款支持香港大學醫學院設立「蔡章閣基金 獎學金」 捐款支持鄧智偉教授的腎臟病研究 捐款支持與冠狀病毒相關的流行病學研究 捐款支持梁啟信教授的研究項目工作 捐款支持鄧智偉教授的腎臟病研究 Donations 捐贈者名單 56