HKUMed Combatting COVID-19 港大醫學院對抗新冠疫情 ‘Be it specimen collection, vaccination or looking after patients, the outreach experience has trained us to be more benevolent as medical practitioners. The fight against the pandemic is not just our professional and moral responsibility, but also a reward and contribution to Hong Kong and Hong Kong people.’ 「無論是檢測、打針,還是照顧確診病人,這些經歷都 會訓練我們成為更有仁心的醫護人員,因為投身抗疫, 不單是我們的專業和道德責任,亦是對香港和港人的回 報與貢獻。」 ― Andrian, MBBS Year 4 The Community Vaccination Centre at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong operated by HKU has become a vaccination centre for children aged 5-11 since 24 February. 香港大學位於港怡醫院的疫苗接種中心由 2月24日起成為兒童社區疫苗中心,專爲 5至11歲兒童服務。 Upon completion of a training workshop on specimen collection organised by HKUMed, some medical and nursing students volunteered to be specimen collection staff at the Community Testing Centre in To Kwa Wan Sports Centre. 港大醫學院早前舉辦採樣技巧工作坊,部分醫學生及護理學生完成 訓練後自願到土瓜灣體育館社區檢測中心擔任採樣人員。 Faculty members and students of HKUMed participated in the Government’s outreach vaccination service at primary schools and elderly homes. 港大醫學院師生加入學校及老人院舍疫苗 外展隊,為長者及小學生接種疫苗。 26