Achievements 獎項與成就 Dr George Lim Tipoe (Biomedical Sciences) and Dr Fraide A. Ganotice Jr.’s (BIMHSE) team was awarded the QS Reimagine Education Gold Award in Hybrid Learning. Dr Ng Ming-yen (Diagnostic Radiology, School of Clinical Medicine, thereafter as SClinMed) and his team received the 2021 QS Reimagine Education Gold Award in Life Sciences. 生物醫學學院鄭顏兒博士和鮑氏醫學及衞生教育研究所Fraide A. Ganotice Jr. 博士及其團隊;以及臨床醫學學院放射診斷學系 黃明錟博士及其團隊分別榮獲2021年QS全球教學創新大獎「混合式學習」及「生命科學」組別金獎。 Gold Medal 金獎 Project: Light-triggered drug delivery system 項目:光照觸發釋藥系統 Research team led by Dr Wang Weiping (Pharmacology and Pharmacy & Dr Li Dak-Sum Research Centre) 藥理及藥劑學系、李達三博士研究 中心汪衛平博士及其團隊 Silver Medal 銀獎 Project: Anti-Covid-19 stainless steel 項目:表面能殺滅新冠病毒的不鏽鋼材 Research team of Dr Alex Chin Wing-hong and Professor Leo Poon Lit-man (Public Health) and members from the Faculty of Engineering 公共衞生學院錢永康博士及潘烈文 教授以及工程學院團隊 Faculty Members of HKUMed Received Two Gold Awards at The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Awards 2021 港大醫學院教職員於2021年QS全球教學創新大獎榮獲兩金 Awards Received by Faculty Members’ Innovative Research Projects at The 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 港大醫學院於2022年日内瓦國際發明展獲多項殊榮 Faculty Achievements 學院教職員所獲獎項與成就(as of 30 April 2022) MAJOR AWARDS / Silver Medal 銀獎 Project: Non-contact, non-radiation device that accurately locates multiple implants in a patient’s body 項目:非接觸式、無輻射流動傳感技術 Research team of Dr Jason Cheung Pui-yin, Dr Qi Weichen and Dr Grace Zhang Teng (Orthopaedics & Traumatology, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系鍾培言 醫生、戚威臣博士及張騰博士團隊 Project: Nucleic acid aptamers for malaria diagnosis 項目:用於瘧疾臨床診斷的核酸適配體 Research team led by Professor Julian A. Tanner (Biomedical Sciences) 生物醫學學院唐柱霖教授領導的研究團隊 Project: NevGro® - a dietary supplement for brain health 項目:NevGro® - 大腦健康的膳食補充劑 Research team led by Dr Lim Lee-wai, Chong Pit-shan (Biomedical Sciences) and team 生物醫學學院林禮偉博士及張碧珊博士生 團隊 Bronze Medal 銅獎 Project: PD1-based vaccine for infection and cancer cure by potentiating host immunity 項目:PD1為基礎的疫苗透過加強 免疫力治療病毒感染及癌症患者 Research team of Professor Chen Zhiwei, Dr Zhou Jingying, Dr Tan Zhiwu, Dr Wong Yik-chun, Professor Chen Honglin, Professor Yuen Kwok-yung and Dr Liu Li (Microbiology, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院微生物學系陳志偉教授、 周京穎博士、譚志武博士、黃亦駿博士、 陳鴻霖教授、袁國勇教授及劉利博士研 究團隊 34 主要獎項 成就