Over 50 classmates and family members of the MBBS Class of 1976 gathered to celebrate the 45th anniversary of their graduation. The event began with a tour of the medical campus followed by a dinner at The Mira Hong Kong on 4 December 2021 and a hiking tour to Shing Mun Reservoir on the next day. A Zoom meeting was set up for those located overseas and/or unable to attend the dinner to meet with their good old friends. 五十多名MBBS 1976畢業班校友及家人在2021年歡聚,慶祝畢業 45周年。校友們於12月4日參觀母校醫學院並了解其最新發展,隨 後在The Mira Hong Kong享用晚餐,再於翌日前往城門水塘郊遊。 部分在海外和無法出席的校友們更以Zoom與出席晚宴的好友相聚。 Over 200 alumni and friends came together to have a wonderful dinner on 3 December 2021 held by HKUMAA. Dr Matthew Tsui, President of HKUMAA, expressed his warm welcome and gratitude to all guests in his welcoming remarks. The highlight of the event would be Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of Medicine, playing a guessing game with guests where winners received exquisite gifts. 香港大學醫學院校友會於2021年12月3日舉辦周年晚宴,超過 200位校友和好友出席。校友會會長徐錫漢醫生致辭時向各位來賓 表示熱烈歡迎和感謝。活動亮點之一是醫學院院長梁卓偉教授與來 賓玩猜謎遊戲,得獎者更可獲精美禮物。 MBBS Class of 1976 Celebrates 45th Anniversary MBBS 1976 畢業班慶祝45週年 HKUMAA Annual Dinner HKUMAA周年晚宴 Please scan the QR code for more details 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽更多資訊 47 HKUMed News Summer 2022