People 人物 Bu Yashan and Yang Ming, PhD students, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Clinical Medicine (SClinMed), were selected as Runner-ups of the 10th Li Ka Shing Foundation International Ophthalmic Research Student Forum 2021 – PhD student in basic research (Anterior and Posterior segments, respectively) in December 2021. The Second Runner-ups of the competition (Posterior segment) included Liu Jinfeng and Tsang Kwan-wun, PhD students of the same Department. Bu Yashan also received the 2022 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Foundation International Travel Grant from ARVO in February 2022. 臨床醫學學院眼科學系博士研究生步雅姍及 楊鳴於2021年12月獲選為第十屆李嘉誠基 金會眼科研究生論壇2021 - PhD student in basic research 第二名(分別於Anterior 及 Posterior segment)。第三名得獎者為同系 博士研究生劉晉鋒及曾琨媛。 步雅姍亦於2022年2月獲視覺與眼科研究協 會頒發2022 ARVO Foundation International Travel Grant. Chan Ka-ching, Koo Tin-yan, and Isidora Savović, PhD students, School of Biomedical Sciences; Chen Zhixian, PhD student, Department of Pathology, SClinMed; Guo Bingqing, Shan Songwei and Song Yi, PhD students, School of Public Health; Xu Wanchun, PhD student, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, SClinMed were awarded the HKU Foundation Postgraduate Fellowships. 生物醫學學院博士研究生陳迦靜、顧天欣、 Isidora Savović;臨床醫學學院病理學系 博士研究生陳志賢;公共衞生學院博士研究 生郭冰清、單松巍、宋藝,以及臨床醫學 學院家庭醫學及基層醫療學系博士研究生 許婉純獲頒HKU Foundation Postgraduate Fellowships。 Hu Feng, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences and Naomi Takemura, PhD student, School of Nursing, received the Wong Ching Yee Medical Postgraduate Scholarships 2021/2022 in February 2022. 生物醫學學院博士研究生胡鳳、護理學博 士研究生竹村奈緒美於2022年2月獲頒 2021/2022年度 Wong Ching Yee Medical Postgraduate Scholarships 。 Hu Feng, Manton Leung Man-hon and Yu Huajian, PhD students; Xie Yunong, Mphil student, School of Biomedical Sciences were selected as Winners of Oral Presentation at the 26th Research Postgraduate Symposium in December 2021. 生物醫學學院博士研究生胡鳳、梁文瀚、 俞華健及碩士研究生謝雨穠於2021年12月 獲選爲第26屆Research Postgraduate Symposium口頭報告得獎者。 Hu Feng was also selected in January 2022 to participate in the 10th Anniversary edition of the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2022 organised by the National Research Foundation Singapore from 1,700 nominees and applicants worldwide. 胡鳳於2022年1月在1,700位獲提名者及申 請者中脫穎而出,獲選參加由新加坡國家研 究基金會舉辦的2022年度第10屆全球青年 科學家峰會。 Huang Xin, PhD student, School of Public Health and Yan Ka-chun, PhD student, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy were awarded the Hui Pun Hing Memorial Postgraduate Fellowships. 公共衞生學院博士研究生�忻、藥理及藥劑 學系博士研究生殷嘉駿獲頒Hui Pun Hing Memorial Postgraduate Fellowships。 Chen Ningjing, Rose Lin Sin-yi, Carol Wang Tingxuan and Sally Wu Chanchan, PhD students, School of Nursing; Loh Jiajian, Yu Huajian and Zhu Xiaoqiang, PhD students, School of Biomedical Sciences; Gao Huizhi and Li Shun, PhD students, School of Public Health received the YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarships in February 2022. 護理學院博士研究生陳寧靜、凌善宜、 王庭軒及吳嬋嬋;生物醫學學院博士研究生 羅佳健、俞華健及朱小強;公共衞生學院博 士研究生高會智及李舜於2022年2月獲頒發 龍榮軾教授及朱淑濂女士研究生獎學金。 Awardees at the 7th Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science (HKASMSS) Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum Asian Federation of Sports Medicine (AFSM) Scientific Symposium 2021 (December 2021) 第七屆香港運動醫學及科學學會學生學術 會議暨亞洲運動醫學聯會研討會2021得獎 者 (2021年12月): 1st Prize of Oral Presentation – Sports Medicine and Exercise Science: Edwin Chin Chun-yip, PhD student, School of Public Health 公共衞生學院博士研究生錢晉業 Topic 題目: ‘The effects of once weekly high-intensity interval training on improving body adiposity in adults with obesity: A 9-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial’ 2nd Prize of Poster Presentation (Original Research): Kathy Wang Mengyao, PhD student, School of Public Health 公共衞生學院博士研究生王夢瑤 Topic 題目: ‘Associations of genetic susceptibility to high BMI-adjusted waist-to-hip ratio and adherence to a healthy lifestyle with incidence of coronary heart disease: the UK biobank study’ STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS學生成就 (as of 30 April 2022) 48