The paper of Chaiyaporn Kuwentrai, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, entitled ‘Intradermal delivery of receptorbinding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with dissolvable microneedles to induce humoral and cellular responses in mice’ was recognised as Top Cited Article 2020-2021 by Wiley in April 2022. 生物醫學學院博士研究生Chaiyaporn Kuwentrai 憑其論文 ‘Intradermal delivery of receptor-binding domain of SARSCoV-2 spike protein with dissolvable microneedles to induce humoral and cellular responses in mice’ 於2022年4月 獲Wiley 選為2020-21年度最廣獲徵引論文。 Lee Chun-kit, undergraduate student, School of Nursing, was granted the AIA Scholarships 2020-2021 from AIA Foundation in March 2021. 護理學院本科生李俊傑於2021年3月獲 友邦慈善基金頒發友邦獎學金。 Rose Lin Sin-yi, PhD student, School of Nursing, was named the Champion of the Outstanding Paper Presentation Award at the 28th Annual Congress of Gerontology held by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology. She also received the Hong Kong Association of University Women Postgraduate Scholarships in November 2021. Rose Lin won the Outstanding Presentation Award at the U21 Research Postgraduate Symposium 2021 in December 2021. She and Matthew Chau Siu-long, PhD student, School of Nursing, won the Peers’ Choice Outstanding Presentation Award at the same event. 護理學院博士研究生凌善宜於2021年11月 在香港老年學會舉辦之第 28 屆老年學周年 會議奪得傑出論文報告獎冠軍,亦獲頒發 大學婦女香港協會研究生獎學金。 凌同學於2021年12月舉行的U21 Research Postgraduate Symposium 2021 獲頒Outstanding Presentation Award; 並與護理學院博士研究生鄒兆朗於同一 活動獲頒Peers’ Choice Outstanding Presentation Award。 Loh Jiajian, Wang Lin and Zheng Weizhong, PhD students; Tsui Ka-chun, MPhil student, School of Biomedical Sciences, were selected as winners of the SBMS Research Postgraduate Poster Presentation in March 2022. 生物醫學學院博士研究生羅佳健、王琳、 鄭煒忠及碩士研究生徐家俊於2022年3月 獲選為生物醫學學院Research Postgraduate Poster Presentation得獎者。 Shirley Sit Man-man, MPhil student, School of Nursing, won the Young Investigator Award and My Favourite Young Investigator Award at The 9th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities 2021 in November 2021. 護理學院碩士研究生薛雯旻於2021年11月 在第九屆健康城市聯盟國際大會獲頒發傑 出青年科學家奬及最受歡迎青年科學家奬。 Nicole Tsang Ngai-yung, PhD student, School of Public Health, received the Young Scientist Award from European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI); and Execution and Design Award from Techstars Startup Weekend AI Hong Kong, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, HKAI LAB, Lingnan University Hong Kong in December 2021. 公共衞生學院博士研究生曾藝蓉於2021年 12月獲歐洲流感學術工作小組頒發Young Scientist Award; 並獲Techstars Startup Weekend AI Hong Kong、香港科技園、 香港人工智能及數據實驗室和香港嶺南大 學頒發Execution and Design Award。 Wang Yifan, MPhil student, School of Chinese Medicine, was awarded the Talent Development Scholarship and the Hong Kong, China – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Scholarship 2020-21 in June 2021 by the HKSAR Government. 中醫藥學院碩士研究生王一帆於2021年6 月獲香港特區政府頒發2020-21學年才藝 發展獎學金及中國香港⸺亞太經合組織 獎學金。 Xiang Yang, PhD student, School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Hui Pun Hing Memorial Postgraduate Fellowship (Mainland Collaborations). 生物醫學學院博士研究生向陽獲頒 Hui Pun Hing Memorial Postgraduate Fellowship (Mainland Collaborations) 。 Caroline Yang Wai-lam, student of Doctor of Nursing, won the People’s Choice e-Poster Award at the 11th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum in December 2021. 護理學博士生楊慧藍於2021年12月 第11屆香港國際護理論壇奪得 People’s Choice e-Poster Award。 Awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme 2021-22 HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme 2021-22 得獎者 Please scan the QR code below for a list of awardees: 請掃描一下QR code 以瀏覽得獎名單: Graduate School Award Presentation Ceremony 2021, p.17. 香港大學研究學院頒獎禮2021,頁17。 49 HKUMed News Summer 2022