11/2021 Volunteer Experience 義工經歷 To give back to the community, two biomedical students Chan Jia-hui (BM2025) and Marcus Wan Chun-tao (BM2025) participated in elderly visits to deliver daily necessities. They have also become Peer Supporters under HKUMed’s Student Wellness Team to promote the importance of holistic well-being and offering support to fellow classmates. 兩位生物醫學學生參與義務工作,回饋社會。他們探訪長者並派 送物資,亦參與醫學院學生心理健康部的「同行者」計劃,向同學 推廣身心健康的重要性及提供相關支援。 26/10/2021 Chinese Medicine Aromatherapy Workshop 香薰精油工作坊 The Chinese Medicine Society collaborated with the International Institute of Chinese Medicinal Aromatherapy to organise the Chinese Medicine Aromatherapy Workshop with Dr Fu Yuen-yuen as guest speaker. 中醫藥學會聯同國際漢方芳療學會合辨香薰精油工作坊,並邀請傅淵源中醫師擔任 講員。 Please scan the QR code for more details 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽更多資訊 26/11/2021 AMSAHK Inauguration Ceremony for 2021-22 Tenure 2021/22年度香港亞洲醫學生 學生會就任典禮 AMSAHK inauguration ceremony was held on 26 November 2021. Over 200 professors from the Faculty, guests and collaborative partners, overseas medical students, and representatives from other societies joined the event. 2021/22年度香港亞洲醫學生學生會就任典禮於 2021年11月26日舉行。超過200位港大醫學院 教授、合作伙伴、海外醫科生及其他學會代表撥 冗出席。 51 HKUMed News Summer 2022