Special Announcement 活動資訊 Fundraising Initiative: Limited Edition HKUMed Chairs The Faculty has created a limited edition HKUMed Chair combining elements from our history and our home in Hong Kong to celebrate the Faculty’s 135th birthday. Embodying the East-meets-West nature of both Hong Kong and the Faculty’s origins, the walnut chair marries a comb-back design often found in academic settings with armrests inspired by Ming Dynasty styling. The chair’s rattan seat is a nod to the local rattan industry, which produced one of the city’s major exports at the time of the Faculty’s founding. Available in pairs for sale at a fixed price of HK$100,000, a brass plate on the back of each chair commemorates a year in HKUMed’s story. We welcome you to choose the year which is the most significant to your medical journey or to refer to HKUMed’s milestones to select an important moment from our history. Donors can also choose to have their own name engraved on the brass plate. Proceeds from these 135 pairs of HKUMed Chairs will go towards scholarships and financial aid for our students, enabling these inquisitive minds to thrive now and into the future. The funds will also increase the Faculty’s ability to respond swiftly to changing circumstances. We continue to strive to attract the best and brightest to HKUMed and to offer timely support to students in need. You can choose to enjoy your engraved chairs in your own home, clinic or office, or alternatively, share them with the HKUMed community by allowing us to place them in the Alumni Chamber or other locations at the Medical Faculty. Please scan the following QR code for more details: 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽更多資訊: 籌款活動:港大醫學院135周年限量紀念椅 為慶祝醫學院成立135周年,學院推出限量版紀念椅,以供選購。其設計 糅合東西方文化特色,猶如香港和醫學院東西薈萃的背景。紀念椅由核桃 木製造,椅背為高等學府常見的髮梳造型,另配上受明朝傢具啟發而設計 的扶手。至於座位部分,則以藤織方法製造,目的是向醫學院成立之時, 本港主要出口產業之一的藤織業致敬。 每對紀念椅定價10萬港元,限量出售135對,每對皆代表港大醫學院歷史 上的一個年分,並鐫刻在椅背的銅片上,捐贈者亦可在銅片上刻上名字。 限量紀念椅所得收益,將全數撥歸醫學院獎學金及學生經濟援助用途,培 育杏林新生代。醫學院一直致力吸引頂尖的醫療專業人才,亦為有需要的 學生提供及時支援。 您可選擇在自己家中、診所或辦公室享受限量紀念椅,或委托學院將紀念 椅放置在校友室或醫學院校園其他位置,與師生及好友分享。 55 HKUMed News Summer 2022