HKUMed Summer Soirée – Celebrating HKUMed’s 135th Anniversary 港大醫學院夏季晚會 ⸺ 135周年院慶 The HKUMed Summer Soirée was held on 12 May 2022, attended in person by dozens of guests, donors, alumni and friends of the Faculty. The event celebrated the Re-opening of Tang Court, eponymously named after the family of Professor Grace Tang Wai-king, Dean of Medicine 1998-2001, for a generous donation from her and her husband Dr Luk Kwok-fai. Without this plot of land, the new and modern Faculty Administration Wing would not have been built and in use to spare more space to meet the needs of the growing student body. The Dean, Professor Gabriel M Leung, expressed his gratitude for Professor Grace Tang’s staunch support to the Faculty. The plaque unveiling ceremony was officiated by Professor Tang, Dr Luk, Professor Leung, and Ms Priscilla Wong Pui-sze, Council Chairman of The University of Hong Kong. Taking the occasion of the HKUMed 135th Anniversary, the ceremony was followed by an inspiring lecture, the first instalment of the 135th Anniversary Dean’s Lecture Series, delivered by Professor Wang Chen, President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, on the topic of ‘The Coming Era of Medicine, Health and Public Health’. Panelists Dr Bernhard Schwartländer, Global Health Envoy, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Professor Zheng Zhijie, Director of the China Country Office, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ms Priscilla Wong exchanged their views and comments in the panel discussion moderated by Professor Gabriel Leung. Other guests of the event included Mr Ian Huen Chung-yuen of Dr Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation, which kindly sponsored the 135th Anniversary Dean’s Lecture Series; Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Secretary for Food and Health; Professor Rosie Young Tse-tse, Former Dean, and Professor Wallace Lau Chak-sing, Dean of Medicine Designate. 港大醫學院夏季晚會於2022年5月12日舉行,數十位嘉賓、捐贈者、校友及合 作伙伴親臨現場。是次活動以「鄧苑」重開典禮展開。醫學院院長梁卓偉教授感謝前院 長鄧惠瓊教授(1998-2001年擔任院長)及其丈夫陸國輝醫生對醫學院的支持 ; 「鄧苑」 由鄧教授及陸醫生慷慨捐助,以鄧教授家人命名,現址位於新建的醫學院行政樓, 以騰出更多空間滿足持續增長的教學需求。揭幕禮由鄧教授、陸醫生、梁教授及港 大校務委員會主席王沛詩女士主持。 揭幕禮隨後為「群賢匯智」港大醫學院135周年院長講座系列的首場講座,以「大 醫學 · 大衞生 · 大健康」為題,由中國醫學科學院北京協和醫學院院校長王辰教授主講。 德國駐華使館全球衛生負責人Bernhard Schwartländer博士、王沛詩女士及比爾及 梅琳達蓋茨基金會駐華首席代表鄭志杰教授在小組討論作交流,由梁教授擔任主持。 其他出席活動的嘉賓包括贊助135周年院長講座系列的何鴻燊博士醫療拓展 基金會代表禤駿遠先生、食物及衞生局局長陳肇始教授、前院長楊紫芝教授及候任 院長劉澤星教授。 Professor Gabriel Leung presenting a souvenir to Professor Grace Tang 梁卓偉教授向鄧惠瓊教授致送紀念品 A capella performance by Medici Cantano, medical students’ a capella group 港大醫學院學生無伴奏合唱團Medici Cantano 傾力演出 4