‘We are now perched on a magnificent springboard for escalating to new heights as we welcome a much-needed influx of resources and people. But at the same time, we should not forget our origins. HKUMed has excelled because of its people.’ 「展望將來,社會資源與人才需求甚殷, 讓我們踏上再創高峰的跳板。與此同時, 我們亦不能忘本。港大醫學院之所以能 出類拔萃,是因為『人 』。」 ⸺ Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine 院長劉澤星教授 The 208th Congregation 第208屆學位頒授典禮 Over 600 graduates celebrated their academic achievements at the 208th Congregation, held on 26 November 2022, at the Grand Hall of HKU Centennial Campus. Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University, was the presiding officer of the Faculty-based Congregation and conferred degrees upon graduands. We were also honoured to have Ms Nisa Leung, Managing Partner of Qiming Venture Partners, as the Guest of Honour to deliver a speech on this special occasion. In The Dean’s Letter, Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, laid out his vision for HKUMed’s future develoment. 第208屆學位頒授典禮於2022年11月26日在港大百周年校園大會堂舉行, 逾600名醫學院畢業生於典禮當日慶祝他們的學術成就。 典禮由港大校長張翔教授主持,並為畢業生頒授學位。啓明創投主管合伙人 梁頴宇女士亦蒞臨擔任特別嘉賓,為畢業生致辭。醫學院院長劉澤星教授發表 《院長親函》,闡述他對港大醫學院未來發展的願景。 Read The Dean’s Letter 2022: 閱讀《2022年院長親函》 (只供英文版): 24