Kong Academy of Medicine already has a specialty in family medicine and HKUMed devotes a substantial portion of the MBBS curriculum to the topic. Indeed, family medicine was first introduced here in 1985 when the General Practice Unit was established, and it has been refined and improved ever since through curriculum enhancement and a focus on training students in the attitude and skills required to become family doctors. The new 140+ CORE Curriculum2 is building on that to place more emphasis on the healthcare journey and direct students towards a more person-centred approach, rather than focusing chiefly on diseases. But Professor Lam would like to see increased capacity in postgraduate training in family medicine, too, such as making it a requirement for registration in the primary care registry. Currently, fewer than 10 per cent of medical graduates in Hong Kong specialise in family medicine, versus about 40 per cent in places like Canada and the UK. ‘We have a lot of catching up to do, but without the people and the professionals who have the ability and competency in primary care – this includes not only doctors but the other health professionals – the Blueprint isn’t going to realise,’ she said. Inevitably, this circles back to resources. Hong Kong spends less than 10 per cent of its total health budget on primary care, versus about 15 per cent in places with good quality primary care. But there is at least a light on the horizon. Professor Lam said while there are challenges ahead, there is now also a long-awaited pathway and commitment from all involved to address the growing strains on Hong Kong’s healthcare system. ‘If we can put the Blueprint into practice successfully, it can change not only primary healthcare in Hong Kong, but the whole healthcare system. It will help to reduce unnecessary use and demand on the hospitals and make our system more equitable and sustainable. And it will hopefully make people healthier so they can enjoy a better quality of life,’ she said. ↖↑The Primary Healthcare Blueprint Symposium was held in January 2023 to set the stage for exchange of views on healthcare reform. 2023年1月舉行的 「基層醫療健康藍圖研 討會」為醫療改革提供 交流平台。 (Photo courtesy of Professor Cindy Lam 林露娟教授供圖) References 1. World Health Organization. Declaration of Alma-Ata [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 1978 [cited 11 Apr 2023]. Available from: https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/almaata-declaration-en.pdf?sfvrsn=7b3c2167_2. 2. Common situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and behaviour that are Essential for component and ethical professional practice. 29 HKUMed News Summer 2023