Opening of Technology-Enriched Learning Mezzanine (Techmezz) Techmezz 開幕禮 The Yu Chun Keung Medical Library had an upgrade in February with the opening of a Technology-Enriched Learning Mezzanine (Techmezz), which houses two Anatomage Tables ― 3D anatomy and virtual dissection systems designed for anatomy education ― alongside 32 virtual reality stations and the latest interactive whiteboards, to advance students’ understanding of anatomy. The opening ceremony was officiated by the Yu Chun Keung Charitable Trust and HKUMed Deanery, followed by a guided tour to let visitors experience the immersive multimedia learning facilities. Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, expressed his gratitude for the long-standing support of the Yu Chun Keung Charitable Trust, in enhancing students’ learning experience and effectiveness. ‘With advanced technology we are now able to open up the artificial cadaver then close it up again, we can do it repeatedly, visit and revisit the anatomy session to ensure our students learn what they are supposed to learn.’ ‘Our family are very happy that new generations of students will be able to learn and excel here, and apply their training to impact lives far and wide,’ said Dr Alan Yu, grandson of Mr Yu Chun Keung. ‘We intend to inspire and motivate our students’ curiosity to learn through the use of cutting-edge medical technology in order to be future-ready. In the long run, we also intend to promote deep learning and long-term retention of medical science knowledge’, said Dr George Tipoe, Assistant Dean (Enrichment Year). 設於余振強醫學圖書館閣樓的Techmezz 於2月中開幕。Techmezz設有32部VR虛擬實境裝置及兩部Anatomage虛擬解剖桌,供醫科生 於課堂內外學習解剖學。開幕禮由余振強慈善基金及醫學院領導團隊主禮,來賓及師生隨後參加Techmezz設施導賞,體驗嶄新的沉浸式多媒 體學習。 院長劉澤星教授感謝余振強慈善基金對醫學院的長期支持,提升學生的學習體驗和效益。「有了先進的科技輔助,學生可隨時回顧溫習, 確保吸收到該學習的知識。」 余振強先生的孫兒余浩霖醫生表示:「我們家族感到很高興,想到一代又一代的學生可以在這裏學習,並學以致用,造福更多市民大眾。」 助理院長(增潤學年)鄭顏兒博士表示:「我們的目標是運用科技,豐富學生的學習體驗,並把在平面2D環境下難於理解的人體結構立體化, 幫助他們了解複雜的課題。我們希望以尖端科技刺激學生的好奇心,為他們的未來做好準備。我們有信心Techmezz可以豐富學生在醫學院的 學習體驗。」 32