Faculty Spring Reception 醫學院新春團拜 Traditional anatomy learning through dissection involves students’ sense of touch. This is now supplemented by learning through the Anatomage Table which shows anatomical structures that are unseen in human cadavers. 大體解剖提供實際的觸感學習,輔以虛擬教學,讓學生清楚看見身 體不同系統的結構,令學習相得益彰。 Virtual reality dissection allows students to practise and be better prepared for real dissection as well as forthcoming clinical practice. 虛擬解剖讓學生在進行大體解剖前熟練有關技巧,對日後臨床亦有幫助。 After a three-year hiatus, the annual Faculty Spring Reception returned this year on 6 February 2023 at HKUMed Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road. It was well attended by over 300 guests, donors, honorary teachers, staff, alumni, students and friends of the Faculty getting together to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. During the welcoming remarks, Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, expressed his gratitude to everyone for their dedication and contribution to serve the community and fight against the pandemic over the past few years. Professor Lau invited other HKU and HKUMed representatives to join the toasting, including Ms Priscilla Wong, Chairman of HKU Council; Professor Richard Wong, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of HKU; Professor Wei Pan, Acting Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance) of HKU; Ms Jeannie Tsang, Registrar of HKU; and Professor Leung Suet-yi, Faculty Board Chairman of HKUMed. Other honourable guests included Professor Lo Chung-mau, Secretary for Health; Mr Thomas Chan, Permanent Secretary for Health; Dr Libby Lee, Under Secretary for Health; Dr Ronald Lam, Director of Health; Mr Henry Fan, Chairman of Hospital Authority (HA); and Dr Tony Ko, Chief Executive of HA. 時隔三年,一年一度的醫學院新春團拜於2023年2月6日在沙宣道三號醫學院學術樓再度舉行,約300名來賓、捐贈者、名譽教師、教職員、 校友、學生及醫學院的友好聚首一堂,共賀癸卯年新春。醫學院院長劉澤星教授致歡迎辭,感謝大家於過去數年努力抗疫,守護民康。 及後,劉教授邀請港大及醫學院代表一同祝酒,包括港大校務委員會主席王沛詩女士、首席副校長王于漸教授、署理行政及財務副校長 潘巍教授、教務長曾詠詩女士及醫學院院務委員會主席梁雪兒教授。其他嘉賓包括醫務衞生局局長盧寵茂教授、常任秘書長陳松青先生、 副局長李夏茵醫生、衞生署署長林文健醫生、醫院管理局主席范鴻齡先生及行政總裁高拔陞醫生。 33 HKUMed News Summer 2023