Distinguished Lecture by Professor Dame Carol Black: Influencing Healthcare – and More 傑出學人講座⸺Carol Black女爵士教授 Dame Carol shared her journey from concentration on a particular disease and individual patients, to grappling with the social determinants of health such as employment and addiction, driven by the urge to identify a wicked problem, recover the evidence and research, and then develop policies and practical strategies for societal good. Carol女爵士分享了她的職業生涯,從專注於特定疾病和個別患者,到努力解決就業和成癮 等健康的社會決定因素,從確定問題、尋找證據和研究,以制定符合公共利益的實用策略。 Dame Carol and panellists Dr Donald Li, Chairman of Elderly Commission, Government of the HKSAR, and Dr Cheris Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU exchanged their views in the panel discussion moderated by Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine. Carol女爵士、安老事務委員會主席李國棟醫生及社會科學學院社會學系副教授陳純菁博士 在座談環節作交流,由醫學院院長劉澤星教授擔任主持。 Dame Carol and Professor Chak-sing Lau exchanged souvenirs and had group photo with the panellists. Carol女爵士與劉澤星教授交換紀念品,並與座談嘉賓合照。 HKUMed is honoured to have Professor Dame Carol Black, Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa of HKU, Chair of the British Library, Chair of the Centre of Ageing Better, cum Independent Adviser to the UK Government on the Misuse of Drugs, to deliver an inspiring lecture entitled ‘Influencing Healthcare – and more’ on 31 March 2023, as one of the extended ‘Distinguished Lectures’ alongside the HKU President’s Forum - Science and Society. 港大名譽社會科學博士、大英圖書館董事會主席、英國 活齡中心基金會主席暨政府專家顧問Carol Black女爵士 教授於2023年3月31日蒞臨醫學院主持傑出學人講座, 作為「香港大學校長論壇」活動的一部分。 34