Opening of HKUMed Laboratory of Cellular Therapeutics 香港大學細胞治療實驗室開幕 An HKU-HKSTP Collaborative Programme, the HKUMed Laboratory of Cellular Therapeutics is the very first GMP laboratory in Hong Kong to produce clinical grade Advanced Therapy Products for clinical trials, and to provide training platform for scientists and clinicians. It is newly built in the HKU Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research. The Opening Ceremony was held on 23 May 2023. Officiating guest included Dr Libby Lee, Acting Secretary for Health; Mr Arthur Au, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Acting); Mr Albert Wong, Chief Executive Officer, HKSTP; Professor Chaksing Lau, Dean of Medicine, HKU; Professor Leung Suet-yi, Director, Centre for PanorOmic Sciences; Professor Tse Hung-fat, Professor, Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine cum Chairperson, Department of Medicine, SClinMed, HKUMed (Academic Lead of HKUMed Laboratory of Cellular Therapeutics); Professor Eric Tse, Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, SClinMed, HKUMed; Dr Grace Lau, Head, Institute for Translational Research, HKSTP; Dr Weng Li Yoon, Associate Director (Therapeutics), Institute for Translational Research (Biomedical Technologies), HKSTP; and Dr Rose Ching, Senior Manager (Therapeutics), Institute for Translational Research (Biomedical Technologies), HKSTP. 作為香港大學與香港科技園細胞治療創新合作計劃,香港大學細胞治療實驗室新建於港大香港賽馬會跨學科研究大樓,是本港首間獲得良好製造 規範(GMP)認證的實驗室,專門生產臨床級先進治療產品以供臨床測試使用,並為科學家和臨床醫生提供培訓平台。 開幕典禮於2023年5月23日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括:署理醫務衞生局局長李夏茵醫生、創新科技署署長(署理)區松柏先生、香港科技園公司行政 總裁黃克強先生、港大醫學院院長劉澤星教授、港大醫學院泛組學科研中心總監梁雪兒教授、港大醫學院臨床醫學學院內科學系系主任暨內科學系講座 教授(心臟學)(實驗室學術領導)謝鴻發教授、港大醫學院臨床醫學學院內科學系臨床教授謝偉財教授、香港科技園公司轉化研發所高級總監劉思雅博士、 香港科技園公司轉化研發所(生醫科技)醫藥與治療副總監袁永麗博士,及香港科技園公司轉化研發所(生醫科技)醫藥與治療高級經理程琪清博士。 Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit (MEHU) 10th Anniversary Celebration 醫學倫理及人文學部(MEHU)成立十周年誌慶 The Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit (MEHU), previously known as the Medical Ethics Unit, was formed in 2012 to further strengthen undergraduate education in ethics and innovate a curriculum in the medical humanities at HKUMed. In celebration of its 10th Anniversary, various activities ranging from seminars, film screening, walking tour, and art exhibition were held between March and July 2023. These activities showcase outstanding departmental research and teaching achievements. The highlight of the celebration was the inaugural L.C. Chan Memorial Lecture in Medical Humanities on 22 May 2023, honouring the late Professor L.C. Chan, who spearheaded the development of the medical humanities curriculum. 醫學倫理及人文學部(MEHU)於2012年成立,致力加強本科生的倫理學 教育,以及革新醫學院的人文課程。 為慶祝成學部立十周年,MEHU於2023年3月至7月舉辦多項活動,包括 研討會、電影欣賞、導賞團及藝術展覽,展示部門卓越的教研成果。其中, 5月22日舉行的首屆「陳立昌人文醫學紀念講座」為焦點盛事,旨在紀念已故 陳立昌教授對醫學人文課程發展所作的貢獻。 35 HKUMed News Summer 2023