‘Anyone CPR’ Participated in the Hong Kong Marathon 2023 「醫護任何人」參與2023香港馬拉松 ‘Anyone CPR’, a volunteer scheme comprising 50 members including doctors, nurses, ambulancemen and medical students, participated in the 25th Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon on 12 February 2023, as runners and first-aiders for other runners with emergency health issues. The scheme was initiated in 2019 by several doctors cum runners who had witnessed medical emergencies such as heart attack in marathons, and would like to help those in need with their medical knowledge and life-saving skills while participating in marathon races. 由50名醫生、護士、救護員及醫科生自發組成的「醫護任何人」共同參加 了於2023年2月12日舉行的第25屆渣打香港馬拉松,參賽之餘亦為其他跑手 在有需要的時候提供急救服務。 「醫護任何人」由幾位熱愛長跑的醫生於2019年發起,冀運用自身的醫療 及急救知識協助有需要的參賽人士。 Students’ Community Services 學生社區服務 36