Visit to Hong Kong Disneyland with Paediatric Patients 與病童家庭同遊香港迪士尼樂園 Blood Donation Event at HKUMed 醫學院捐血活動 Around Christmas time in 2022, a number of 20 medical students attended an event co-organised by Hong Kong Children's Hospital and various patients’ and charitable organisations, and spent a happy day in Hong Kong Disneyland with 500 paediatric patients and their families. Students took this opportunity to hone their communication skills with paediatric patients to understand their thoughts and needs. 2022年聖誕期間,20位醫科生出席一個由香港兒童 醫院和多個病人及慈善組織合辦的活動,陪同500名病童 及他們的家人到香港迪士尼樂園遊玩,度過愉快的一天。 同學們趁此機會學習怎樣和病童溝通,了解他們的想法和 需要。 The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service hosted two rounds of blood donation event at HKUMed Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road, on 20 January and 8 February 2023. HKUMed students supported the events not only as donors, but as volunteers to help promote the events to their peers. 香港紅十字會輸血服務中心分別於2023年1月20日 及2月8日在沙宣道三號醫學院學術樓舉辦兩輪捐血活動。 同學不僅以捐血者身份支持活動,更義務協助推廣活動, 以鼓勵更多人參與。 37 HKUMed News Summer 2023