Achievements 獎項與成就 Dr Will Chan Yap-hang (Medicine, SClinMed) was awarded the Sir David Todd Memorial Scholarship by Hong Kong College of Physicians 臨床醫學學院內科學系陳熠恒醫生獲 香港內科醫學院頒發Sir David Todd Memorial Scholarship 42nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) award winners: 香港骨科醫學會第42屆周年大會獎項 得主: Dr Aya El Helali (Clinical Oncology, Centre of Cancer Medicine, SClinMed) was awarded the Li Shu Pui Medical Foundation Fellowship 臨床醫學學院癌症醫學中心 臨床腫瘤學系Aya El Helali 博士 獲頒李樹培醫學基金會研究獎學金 • AR Hodgson Award Dr Steve Cheung Man-hong (Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系 張文康醫生 • Arthur Yau Award Dr Kenny Kwan Yat-hong (Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系 關日康醫生 • Best Paper Award for Associate Member Dr Prudence Cheung Wing-hang (Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系 張穎恒博士 LOCAL / Professor Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee (Biomedical Sciences) was bestowed the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2023 生物醫學學院馬桂宜教授獲裘槎基金 會頒授2023年度「裘槎優秀科研者獎」 Professor Daniel Chan Tak-mao (Medicine, SClinMed) was elected President of Hong Kong College of Physicians 臨床醫學學院內科學系陳德茂教授 獲選為香港內科醫學院主席 Professor Kenneth Wong Kak-yuen (Surgery, SClinMed) and his HKWC Neonatal Surgical Service Team, QMH, was selected as one of the Outstanding Teams at the HA Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achievers Award 2023 臨床醫學學院外科學系黃格元教授及 其港島西聯網新生兒外科手術服務團隊 (瑪麗醫院)獲醫院管理局選為2023年 度醫院管理局傑出團隊 Professor Kenneth Wong Kak-yuen (Surgery, SClinMed) was appointed as Hong Kong Convention Ambassador 2023-24 臨床醫學學院外科學系黃格元教授 獲邀成為2023-24年度香港國際會議 大使 NATIONAL / Professor Chen Zhiwei (AIDS Institute; Microbiology, SClinMed) received the ‘Most Picked Award’ of 2021 Chinese Scientists with Cell Press 愛滋病研究所、臨床醫學學院微生物 學系陳志偉教授獲中國科學家與细胞 出版社頒發2021年度最受歡迎論文獎 Professor Yiu Kai-hang (Medicine, SClinMed) was elected as Vice Chairman of the Advisory Expert Committee of Arrhythmia Branch, Guangdong Precision Medicine Application Society 臨床醫學學院內科學系姚啟恒教授 獲選為廣東省精準醫學應用學會 心律失常分會副主任委員 Dr Wang Ning (Chinese Medicine) was named ‘Qi-Huang Young Scholar’ 2022 by National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中醫藥學院王寧博士獲國家中醫藥 管理局選為2022年「青年岐黃學者」 42 本地 獎項 成就 國家 獎項 成就