Dr Jojo Kwok Yan-yan (Nursing) received the 2022 Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (HKSBH) Early Career Award 護理學院郭欣欣博士獲香港行為健康 學會(HKSBH)頒發2022年度 HKSBH Early Career Award Dr Khong Mei-li (Biomedical Sciences) and Dr Abraham Wai Ka-chung (Emergency Medicine, SClinMed) received HKU Teaching Excellence Awards 2022 – Early Career Teaching Award 生物醫學學院孔美麗博士及 臨床醫學學院急症醫學系衛家聰醫生 獲2022年度香港大學卓越教學獎頒發 新晉教員教學獎 Dr Wong Tak-man (Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed), Dr Yang Jian (Biomedical Sciences) and Dr Pauline Yeung Pui-ning (Critical Care Medicine Unit, SClinMed) were awarded the Faculty Teaching Medal 2022 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系 黃德民醫生、生物醫學學院楊鑒博士 及臨床醫學學院深切治療醫學部 楊珮寧醫生獲醫學院頒發2022 年度 Faculty Teaching Medal Dr Pauline Yeung Pui-ning (Critical Care Medicine Unit, SClinMed) was awarded the Rosie Young 90 Medal for Outstanding Young Woman Scholar; Dr Yeung also received the Best Abstract in Clinical Research (Oral Presentation) Award at the 28th Medical Research Conference organised by the Department of Medicine, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院深切治療醫學部 楊珮寧醫生獲選為「楊紫芝90傑出 青年女學者獎」及於臨床醫學學院 內科學系舉辦之第28屆 Medical Research Conference贏得最佳 臨床研究摘要(口頭報告)獎 Dr Yuan Shuofeng (Microbiology, SClinMed) won the HKU Young Innovator Award 2022 presented by the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Executive Group 臨床醫學學院微生物學系袁碩峰博士 獲港大知識交流執行小組頒發2022年 香港大學青年創新者獎 Dr Philip Li Hei (Medicine, SClinMed) was elected as Vice-President of Hong Kong Institute of Allergy 臨床醫學學院內科學系李曦醫生 獲選為香港過敏科醫學會副主席 Dr Abraham Wai Ka-chung (Emergency Medicine, SClinMed) was named Distinguished Young Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 臨床醫學學院急症醫學系衛家聰醫生 獲選為香港醫學專科學院傑出青年 院士 2021-22 Recipients of HKU’s Outstanding Researcher Awards Scheme: 2021-22 年度香港大學傑出研究學者獎得主 • Dr Lydia Cheung Wai-ting (Biomedical Sciences) received the Outstanding Young Researcher Award 生物醫學學院張慧婷博士獲頒傑出青年研究學者奬 • Dr Jack Wong Chun-ming (Pathology, SClinMed) received the Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 臨床醫學學院病理學系黃俊銘博士獲頒傑出研究生導師奬 •Dr Yuan Shuofeng and team (Microbiology, SClinMed), won the Research Output Prize 2021-22 for Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine 臨床醫學學院微生物學系袁碩峰博士及團隊獲頒2021-22年度李嘉誠醫學院最佳研究著作獎 Faculty Outstanding Research Output Awards 2022 2022 年度港大醫學院傑出研究著作獎 HKU Intramural Awards for Research Excellence > Faculty Outstanding Research Output Awards 2022 Please scan the following QR code for more details 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽 更多資訊 43 HKUMed News Summer 2023